Submitted by Armando on 2015/07/27 17:04
A few things I noticed, some more problematic  than others.
1- Gantt internal Calculations problems (seems linked to summary bars calculations) : Some date-times fractions (e.g. 2015-07-27  03:00:00) or changes in items taskActStart/end field (when moving items in the gantt) seem to provoke gantt summary bars calculations problems (probably linked to decimals that don't "resolve" properly??) and CPU usage increase making IQ unusable.
2- Critical path : The critical path recalc should probably warn the user that values will be changed for good... I fell into that trap. 1h putting things back as they were
3- Gantt + Undo : I pressed undo 2 times by mistake after a gantt operation, and the gantt got completely stuck, without any workaround; I finally discovered that it was due to "summary bars" that were trying to recalculate themselves in a loop or something like that. It took me a long while to figure it out and removing all summary bars fixed it. Put them back after reentering TaskActStart/end dates in gantt subitems.
4- Bars disappear, sometimes, when I hoist an item. No amount of refresh will fix the problem.
5- Ctrl while mousing over a bar doesn't show the bar details/zoom anymore. Is this on purpose ? It wasn't perfect but allowed to see the hours + dates more easily, I found, since it's not always possible without changing the zoom to see the actual  dates, when only the days names are shown
(6- zooming isn't achieved by pressing ctrl+shift  while scrolling but ALT+SHIFT)


Hi Armando,
1. I'll look into this issue
2. Critical path: Undo now properly undo all changes
3. Fixed
5. This was changed to Ctrl+Shift. See v53 release notes


2015/08/12 22:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

5. This was changed to Ctrl+Shift. See v53 release notes
Ah, misunderstood that. Thought you were talking about zooming the whole gantt with mouse scroll -- and as I said that works with Ctrl+alt+pinch (a bit atypical, but why not)
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/08/13 14:43

In reply to by Armando

In the gantt:
  • Move left-right: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
  • Zoom in/out: Alt + Mouse Wheel


2015/08/13 15:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

In the gantt:
  • Move left-right: Ctrl + Mouse Wheel
  • Zoom in/out: Alt + Mouse Wheel
not a big deal,
but FWIW the default for most apps for zoom (where zoom is available) is Crtl + Mouse wheel


2015/08/13 15:52

In reply to by Tom

OK, changed again then...
I've aligned the behavior as per Google Chrome:
  • Ctrl + Wheel up: zoom in
  • Ctrl + Wheel down: zoom out
  • Shift + Wheel up: Scroll left
  • Shift + Wheel down: Scroll right