Submitted by jsolka on 2009/03/05 13:36
How do I change the color of a single cell in the grid?



2009/03/06 12:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Does ir mean that only yes/no field coud be formated -- I want to the color of the cell change in the date field when there is the value entered in that cell (date) -- blank cells will have no changed color.


2009/03/09 07:57

In reply to by jsolka

NO, it doesn't have to be a yes/no field


2009/03/09 07:58

In reply to by jsolka

Thanks Jay, but what is the formula for non-blank?


2009/03/09 09:04

In reply to by jsolka

EDIT/ apologies, I missed your last pos
Does ir mean that only yes/no field coud be formated -- I want to the color of the cell change in the date field when there is the value entered in that cell (date) -- blank cells will have no changed color.
I havent done this myself but have you tried to use (from Item Formatting)
"=0" means that the Yes/No field is "Null" --> "not ticked".
"<>0" means that the Yes/No field is "not Null" --> ticked.

I'm presuming that it might also work thus:-
"=0" means the field is empty etc.
maybe best to try out on a sample grid though (that's a disclaimer!)
EDIT/ apologies, I missed your last post


2009/03/10 10:17

In reply to by Tom

Thnks so much.
Eureka! It finally works. I put <>0 in "criteria" cell  but have to tick "Use " cell. I'm so glad I finally completed something  and not just only a part of it.
Again thanks so much.


2009/03/06 08:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

One more thing -- would it be possible for the text in the same date field to change when the corresponding HTML pane (the HTML pane for the item) is not blank?


2009/03/09 08:33

In reply to by jsolka

I've been waiting for an answer, but maybe you didn't have time or my question was too stupid. Let me try again: how do I format conditionally a cell (which is in this case a date field) so when I entered the date into that cell the color (back, fore, doesn't matter) will change?
Also can I format conditionally this cell (let's say  that it is  a date filed, too) so that when corresponding HTML pane is not blank, the color (back, fore, desn't matter) will change. How do I do it?
PS: I tried to do it with entering in the""criteria" cell "name of the field" =0 and color code in the"formats" cell, and checking "Use" cell and   it seemed to work, but that's how far I could go with it. When I typed "name of the field" is not null in the "criteria" cell it did not work. Similarly typing HTML is not null in "criteria" cell did not work.


2009/03/09 10:37

In reply to by jsolka

You can :
  1. include the field ItemHasHTML in your grid, and
  2. setup a conditional format for your date field using this ItemHasHTML field


2009/03/10 09:40

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

1. But that means that it is not possible to set up the conditional formatting of the cell that it would automatically change its color (fore or back) when I write something in HTML pane? Am I right?
2. I still don't know if it is possible to set up coditional formating for my date field so that the cell will automatically change its color (fore or back) when Ienter a date in that cell?


2009/03/10 10:19

In reply to by jsolka

EDIT/ Doggone it, I'm cross-posting agin :-)
1. But that means that it is not possible to set up the conditional formatting of the cell that it would automatically change its color (fore or back) when I write something in HTML pane? Am I right?
2. I still don't know if it is possible to set up coditional formating for my date field so that the cell will automatically change its color (fore or back) when Ienter a date in that cell?
I'll start with #2
when I just tried to do what I suggested above, it worked here (basically I copied it from the screenshot on the Item Formatting page
  • "=0" means that the field is "Null"  (empty)
  • "<>0" means that the field is "not Null"
1. if I understand correctly,  that is exactly what it will do -
when you write in (previously empty) html pane the itemHas HTML field will be automatically ticked, you can set up your conditional formatting based on that
    • ... if you want the formating to be conditioned by another field (here a value in the SQLNotes field will affect the Notes field formating), you can add a specific field name before the "<>0" or "=0".


2009/03/10 10:24

In reply to by Tom

I already replied to your previous post and did exactly what you are suggesting now and it worked. Really happy abou it. Must try HTML
Take care


2009/03/10 10:44

In reply to by jsolka

Both Pierre & Tom -- thanks.
Everything works. (BTW: I didn't know that when you write the name in "criteria" cell it's case sensitive)
Take care,


2009/03/10 16:17

In reply to by jsolka

Both Pierre & Tom -- thanks.
Everything works. (BTW: I didn't know that when you write the name in "criteria" cell it's case sensitive)
Take care,
just to double check, cause I want to update that page (& I havent done this myself!)
in order to make a field change colour, lets say the "Date" field, based on whether the ItemHasHTML field is ticked
am I correct in thinking you put the details in the Criteria column in the Date field thus:
and then add formatting etc. as approptriate
EDIT/ it doesnt seem to need reopening grid or did you find you needed to do that ?


2009/03/11 08:22

In reply to by Tom

1. Correct.
2. I needed to close and reopen the grid