Submitted by David_H on 2015/11/29 21:29
Under "All Fields" many fields are grouped, and there is a little icon on the right of the bar that allows them to be viewed in a flat list, or in a hierarchy.
1. How are they grouped?  The manual claims they can be dragged and dropped, but If I try that it looks like it is going to work, but never does.
2. Can there be multiple levels of grouping?


Also, why do the cells for some fields have a gray color while others have a white color?  What causes that and what is that telling the user?

Correct, that bug needs fixing. In fact, the whole properties pane field management need improvements:
  • Create fields on the fly
  • Keyboard shortcuts to move fields around in the field hierarchy
  • Fix drag-drop
I'll include some of that in the coming versions... 
BTW, fields with a grey background a system fields


2015/12/01 11:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks Pierre.  How about my question # 2 above?
BTW, I don't know if you can do anything about it, but this site is slow as molasses the last couple of days.  Sometimes seeing 10 second + load times.


2015/12/01 12:49

In reply to by David_H

Hi !
Yes, there is multiple level grouping, though it is still a little bit buggy. Expect a better implementation in the next version
Yeah, the site is really slow, I'll need to contact the web server and complain... one more thing to do...