Submitted by David_H on 2015/12/05 22:56
So I've really been getting into IQ in a much more serious way, customizing it and so on.  Today I've been working in it, customizing the toolbar and so on.  Now I go to some TLI's, right click, and my sort ascending and sort descending options are gone.  Closed and reopened the program - still gone.  The only thing I can think of remotely related to this is I took duplicate sort A-Z commands off the toolbar, surely that shouldn't have anything to do with what shows up in the right click menu, but somehow I think it caused this.
Any ideas here?  Right click menu attached as an image.
I also reset the toolbars, but still the same thing.


The context menu you're showing is what you get when you right click on the grid cells.  If you right click on the column header, you get the context menu that includes the sort options.


2015/12/05 23:37

In reply to by WayneK

The context menu you're showing is what you get when you right click on the grid cells.  If you right click on the column header, you get the context menu that includes the sort options.
You're right Wayne; but normally  the item context menu is indeed showing the AZ sort, that allows to sort only what's under a specific item from any selected field  -- very useful btw because you don't get to sort the whole column where the focus is. That said I can't talk too much about the current version; is it possible to sort what's right under the currently selected item?
Windows 8.1
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz


2015/12/05 23:45

In reply to by Armando

OK, I misunderstood.  If he's talking about sorting subitems, those options are there in my context menu when I click on an item.  As I look at his context menu, there are a number of other commands missing, too (eg text fore color).
Win 7, 64 bit Cyberpower Model 1, C Series (2011) 16 GB RAM
27" Samsung S27A350H, 24" ASUS VW242H  1920x1080

Just a possible workaround:
Right-click in toolbar area, select 'Item Context' to show that menu as a toolbar.
At the end of the toolbar, there's a drop-down arrow:
Click: Add or Remove etc. >Item Context
You will get a list of the entries for that toolbar (if all there, select missing entries to show).

I reset the toolbars but it seems I needed to close and reopen the program after doing so to fix the issue.  I guess I'll now have to be careful about customizing the toolbar until Pierre fixes this.  I had hoped to eliminate many of the duplicate commands on it as it's far too busy.