Submitted by WayneK on 2015/12/14 20:01
I don't know if this is worthy of its own thread but I noticed a minor issue in the HTML pane that maybe Pierre would like to look at as part of the HTML pane clean up he's working on (assuming this is, in fact, a bug).
When you insert a tab, instead of just jumping over a set amount, the cursor also jumps down a line.   I don't see why a line return would be included with the tab.  Maybe there's a setting  for this.
Additional question: I thought I saw a way to adjust some of the text settings in the HTML pane.  Can someone point me to that?  I like to use underlined headers with a bulleted list beneath, but when I do that, it inserts triple blank lines between the header and the bullet list.  I'd like to get rid of that space.


Currently, when you press Tab, it does an indent (Shift-Tab does an unindent), which is an HTML BlockQuote. You can examine the HMTL code to confirm that.
The default HTML behavior is to add a vertical space, the same as a paragraph (<P>). Through Styles, one can control that.
(e.g. blockquote {margin-top:0em;})


2015/12/14 20:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

OK, thanks.  I'll check that out.
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