Submitted by David_H on 2016/02/17 20:42
I don't know when this happened but I'm guessing it's because I deleted a field named "lastcallnumdays" or something to that affect a few days ago, which I believe was part of the default filter for the address book.  I also deleted the filter out of the address book grid.  Now I cannot access the source for the addresss book grid.  I've changed the source to something else and changed it back to addressbook, still can't read the source, I get the message "error opening gird, check source criteria".  Which I've done...several times.
I know all the contacts are there, because I can still see them in other grids they also show up in.
Any suggestions?


If you change the source, can you see other items ?
I'll look into this first thing tomorrow morning
IQ Designer

I presume you're correct in assuming that the source is 'Addressbook' ?
In my much older IQbase, it's 'Contact'.
Just to make sure you could have a look at the contacts you can see in other grids and check their values in Properties.
I see in a newer file:
  1. source is AddressBook
  2. filter is off, but if I hold mouse over the filter button in the sourcebar, I get the tooltip: [Filter is OFF (Filter items and subitems: lastcallnbdays > 15 or followup)]
Just on the off-chance:
I had to turn that filter on and delete it twice before it actually disappeared (try focusing in the grid and F5 refresh).
EDIT// I see the sortbox in the Sortbar is on by default in my newer file, and is sorted by lastcallnbdays. Might be worth deleting that too.


2016/02/18 06:46

In reply to by Tom

Thanks to both of you.
Pierre, yes I was able to view other sources.
Tom, yes what you see in the newer file is what I had.
Anyhow, I was able to get this working by selecting Grid > Source Bar and then selecting refresh.  Why I have no idea.  It's as though after deleting the sort by lastcallnbdays, I just needed to resort by a different field to get it working again.