[FIXED] Upgraded from REL41 to REL43 - Lost Links to All Pics

Submitted by David_H on 2015/03/02 15:45
I frequently copy and paste pics into the HTML pane, at which point I believe IQ automatically inserts the pic into the SNDB folder and creates a link to it.  There was a discussion about this in another recent thread where Pierre said he was going to change it so IQ linked to those using relative paths, which I think was already the case with REL41?
Regardless, now when I open the database using REL43 all the HTML pages that had pics copied into them show the typical "x" you see on a web page that shows an empty image placeholder.  So I reverted back to REL41 and all images display fine.
Pierre, please advise.


If you can send (or attach) a sample file, I'll be able to resolve the issue


2015/03/02 18:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre,
Hard to do with all the personal stuff I keep in IQ.  What would I have to do, delete everything in the database but a few items and send it over??
In case it helps I notice that in REL43 where it is broken if I go into the HTML pane and select "browse mode" the missing picture reappears.  But ONLY in browse mode it would seem.


2015/03/02 19:51

In reply to by David_H

Yes that helps a lot, I'll be able to look into this tomorrow


2015/03/05 22:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre, any chance to look at this?  Hoping you'll have a fix in the next upgrade?


2015/03/09 19:05

In reply to by David_H

Yup, and it is fixed in the next release


2015/03/11 03:36

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Indeed it is!  Thanks for the quick fix.

This has happened again .  I assume it was due to one of the recent releases, but I'm not sure which one, I'm currently on 70a.  Screenshot attached.  The HTML code shows this:
<META name=GENERATOR content="InfoQube 0.9.70a">
<STYLE> body {font-family:Sans-serif; font-size:11 pt;}
table {font-family:Sans-serif; font-size:11 pt;}
P {margin: 0px, 0px, 0px, 0px;font-family:Sans-serif; font-size:11 pt;}</STYLE>
<BODY style="ZOOM: 1; MARGIN: 2px" bottomMargin=0 leftMargin=2 rightMargin=2 topMargin=2 bgColor=#ffffff>
<P><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" src="Dewey Decimal.jpg" align=baseline></P>
<P><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" src="Library of Congress.jpg" align=baseline></P>
<P><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" src="BISAC.jpg" align=baseline></P>


2016/02/20 17:18

In reply to by David_H

I need 2 pieces of information :
  1. Folder of the IQBase
  2. Current folder of those image files
IQ Designer


2016/02/20 18:56

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I sent you a message with the info.  Thanks Pierre.


2016/02/23 14:26

In reply to by David_H

Got it this time. Fixed in v72:
  • Fixed: HTML Pane: Sometimes images are not resolved correctly
IQ Designer

I installed version 72.  No change, the images still don't show up.  They images DO exist in the IQ sndb files folder, but they do not show up in the HTML pane.


2016/02/25 19:34

In reply to by David_H

The image files are in which folder? Please provide a screenshot
[Edit] OK, got it. Sometimes the editor adds an "about:" to the image link and in that case, it was not resolved correctly. Fixed in v0.9.72a [/Edit]
IQ Designer