Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/03/18 21:17
Pierre, I'm not sure that calendar alarm is working in 8. It sort of did in 7.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I did very little work on the Calendar in recent weeks (), but did manage to break this... It is fixed in the latest build. Portable version was updated


2009/03/19 10:33

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

3 things on this subject:
(1) when does the reminder work, i.e.does it pop up if IQ is minimized (BTW, should minimize to tray as an option)
(2) can I add a sound
(3) I see calendar appt is linked to ApptDate from calendar to grid. It's doesn't seem to appear grid -> calendar?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1