Submitted by David_H on 2016/09/07 22:17
1. When are files automatically stored in the SNDB folder?  From what I can see:
a. Photos pasted into the HTML pane get stored there.
b. MHT files get stored there.
c. But HTML files DON'T get stored there, but are stored in the IQ database?
2. Why do most files in the SNDB get inserted into a folder with the item number as the name, yet other files get inserted into the root folder?


Hi David,
The HTML pane can host a number of different document types
  1. Rich text
  2. Local HTML file
  3. Other local files (such as PDF, DOC, XLS, etc(
  4. Web page
  5. Local MHT file
  6. Local Ink document
  7. Local SVG document
Of these, only the first is embedded in the IQ base. 
  • 1: Embedded, editable in the HTML pane, searchable
  • 2: File storage, editable in the HTML pane, searchable
  • 3: File storage, viewable in the HTML pane, not searchable
  • 4: Web storage, viewable in the HTML pane, not searchable
  • 5, 6, 7: File storage, viewable in the HTML pane. Double-click to edit in its own app. HTML pane will auto-update when the content changes. MHT (5) is searchable, others not
Local files can come from anywhere. When IQ creates a file, it will create it in the YourFile.SNDB.Files folder. When using the .Files folder, the main file is saved in the root folder. If an item has support files, such as 1 or more images, these are put in the item specific folder (ItemIDXXXX_file)
IQ Designer

Thanks Pierre, that is very helpful.
If I use the IQ clipper I notice that the clipped HTML content get inserted into the sndb folder and is only linked to from IQ, just as it should based on your description above.
1. However I manually copy and paste most of my HTML content from web pages into IQ and select the "HTML format" option when I paste.  I notice that none of this gets put into the SNDB folder, so I assume that is being embedded directly in the IQ base, correct?
2. Why does IQ handle copy and pasted HTML content differently?


2016/09/11 20:18

In reply to by David_H

In (1) perhaps you choose "Save as MHT" format ?
Otherwise, both methods should yield the save result
IQ Designer

Either it's working differently for me (and always has), or we're not on the same page.  Please watch this 2-minute video showing what happens and comment. 
Also, how would I look at an item in the HTML pane and quickly determine from within IQ whether it's stored in the IQ database versus a folder on the PC?


2016/09/12 16:23

In reply to by David_H

Hi David,
In your video, you copy and paste HTML to a new item's HTML pane. Content get's stored in the database in that case.
To know if content is stored in the database or in a file, checkout the Properties pane or the HTML pane caption. It shows the file name (in parenthesis)
The option your referring to is depreciated and was used to keep a copy of the HTML/MHT file in the database, so that if you try to view an item and the file is not available, you could still see it. Now, IQ searches in a number of places and should find the file.
IQ Designer