In field Pending, there is already an equation to change the background color when yes. Is it possible to have multiple auto-assign rules for one item? If so, what's the proper syntax for combing them? Thanks.
No specific syntax, just [edit] tag add [/edit] them to previous ones. They will be executed in the order entered (order can be important in certain circonstances)
As I understand "Tag" it means add it to a list (created by selecting) & then attaching as a sub-item to another item.
If by tag, you mean add "|" between equations & append the next equation, then I've done that in the two possible orders. In neither case was the wiki tag added to the item. I closed & re-opened the program in between each test.
tagadd [/edit] them to previous ones. They will be executed in the order entered (order can be important in certain circonstances)