Submitted by Armando on 2016/11/25 13:02
- focus on grid in pane (autohide- pane is now visible)
- perform a manual save
- press ok once save is done
- focus doesn't come back to the right grid (in pane). It's  in the main workspace.


I think users should avoid using panes for now. There still are focus issues with it. I'll need to find a proper solution or ditch panes altogether !
IQ Designer


2016/11/25 13:13

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I think users should avoid using panes for now. There still are focus issues with it. I'll need to find a proper solution or ditch panes altogether !
IQ Designer
Panes are great to keep certain more general grids handy while working on specific projects, or to compare data in various ways, etc.
That said, yes... probably safer to avoid panes. At the same time, it's only by using them that issues are found...
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/11/25 17:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'm with David. I've already said a couple times, and I'm saying it again : the panes are great!

After all the work you've put on the panes, the bug reports might be a bit discouraging! But... Making the panes work is **worth it**!

Panes make it easier to efficiently juggle multiple grids/calendars/HTML panes/gantts/, etc.

Right now, they help me to solve the problem of keeping different types of grids around, simultaneously.
On my small laptop screen, I now structure my working space on all four sides :
1- general task/dodos and various mnemotechnic algorithms grids on the left side (autohide)

2- general projects, goals/objectives, calendar and "filter" grids at the bottom (autohide)

3- properties, HTML and script editor on the right. (autohide)

4- And... at the top (main tab workspace) : all the specific projects etc. I'm working on.
For someone with ADHD tendencies (or something like that), it helps a lot. Believe me. ... InfoQube is actually becoming a real Qube! 
PS: I would've never dared to ask for that feature -- sensing that it wouldn't be trivial to implement ! -- but someone did and we can now all take advantage of it! 
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz


2016/11/25 17:37

In reply to by Armando

Thanks for those encouraging words. It isn't easy and I've spent an insanely long amount of time on this focus issue...
In the next version, I'll implement panes inside tabs, so each tab will be able to have a different setups. This will I believe even more useful. Wish me luck !
IQ Designer


2016/11/25 23:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

You're welcome. Thank YOU for all that hard work. Yup... it seems complex.
But... As long as you don't spend another month on it, t's worth it! 
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

[quote]"I think users should avoid using panes for now. There still are focus issues with it. I'll need to find a proper solution or ditch panes altogether!"[/quote]
IMO the new pane changes have been transformative.  I was going to say "for power users" but for practical purposes anyone who uses IQ is probably a power user and likes these types of features.  Personally I'd rather live with a few minor bugs as long as they aren't "data threatening", but I do understand the issues that could cause depending on what they are.  At a minimum I sure hope we won't lose the ability to keep the home page in a pane.  It works incredible and I don't want to go back .

Bug seems to be fixed in 87a 17h build!
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

Pierre, when you are always so responsively turning out fixes I sometimes hate to report bugs as I fear giving the impression I'm asking to have them fixed (quickly).  Rather I'm just reporting them as I experience them so I don't forget.  Along those lines, the 87b patch seems to have fixed the "floating pane" command as far as the keyboard shortcuts, but the toolbar command only works to float the pane, but not reattach it.
Thanks, and if you fix this this weekend instead of enjoying it, I'm going to yell at you .


2016/11/27 12:27

In reply to by David_H

I just released v87c
(the bug with the command to unfloat is not fixed in v87c)
IQ Designer