Submitted by Armando on 2016/12/12 02:42
87 was OK, 88 is slower than ever. More than 5min for any changes I make.
There's no specific steps apart from modifying some field (equation, maybe), saving. Then I need to wait, and wait... And the CPU is maxes out.
(In general, IQ is more CPU intensive than it used to be -- at least with my bigger than average DB)



2016/12/12 12:12

In reply to by David_H

How large is your database Armando?
Around 550MB. But usually, editing fields isn't a problem. It's only been somewhat of a problem in the last few months, because of changes to the interface, the way IQ refreshes stuff, etc.
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

Confirmed and fixed in v88c
IQ Designer