Submitted by Armando on 2016/12/13 13:19
 The "Load column set" feature conflicts with column grouping and so loading a column set usually results in a mess here.

It's hard to use & unfriendly/unintuitive when all columns are mixed, half grouped, etc.

The result is that I don't use the feature, but I'd really like to. 

Suggestion: could the loaded column set be exactly the same one as the one from the original grid they're loaded from?
I'd use it a lot more if that's what it was doing, instead of constantly adding and removing fields to the scratch/search and other grids.

I think it would make more sense and be more useful. (And -- why not -- there could be this extra option to merge column sets.)


Second that.
It's a great feature but the resulting "slight" need to reorder stuff after unloading the column set has inhibited my use of it.
To me the best way would be to load the column set exactly as it is (field order) absolutely regardless of the grid columns (i.e. if there is no Item column in the group - then no item), and have the grid columns after unloading exactly they were (field order, column widths, wordwraped columns etc.)
For now I am using a strategy to "Show Item in HomeGrid" with a shortcut to view a specific item with specific columns, but it would be great if this same item can be viewed in more than one ways, i.e. loading/unloading different column sets in a Scratch/Search grid.

"The "Load column set" feature conflicts with column grouping and so loading a column set usually results in a mess here."
By column grouping, do you mean when columns are "stacked" (Column Header > Move Up/Dn)?  Is that the only time you encounter the issue you are reporting?  Because otherwise for me, column sets operate exactly as you are requesting...most of the time.  There is (was?) a bug where once in a while one column doesn't load in the proper order.  Otherwise they load perfectly for me, I can even change the order of every column, select load column set, and they are instantly rearranged perfectly.


2016/12/13 23:17

In reply to by David_H

By column grouping, do you mean when columns are "stacked" (Column Header > Move Up/Dn)?  
Yes. "Group columns" is the name of the feature.
Is that the only time you encounter the issue you are reporting?  Because otherwise for me, column sets operate exactly as you are requesting...most of the time.  There is (was?) a bug where once in a while one column doesn't load in the proper order.  Otherwise they load perfectly for me, I can even change the order of every column, select load column set, and they are instantly rearranged perfectly.
All my grids have grouped columns. So that "only time" would be in all grids... :)
I use the feature extensively (as I do with many IQ features -- if Pierre implements a feature, he,d better be careful as I'll usually start using it a lot**) : to me it's the column equivalent of fields hierarchies in the properties pane.
(I even once suggested that there could be a setting where columns headers could be grouped according to their hierarchical set up in the properties pane. That would prevent work duplication.)
**A few exceptions: Dropbox sync, notification area, and a few others. Not need for those at the moment
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz

FWIW I just further tested this and (at least for me) I was able to create (2) identical forms with the only difference between them being the order of the fields.  I could load both forms, and all fields would rearrange as they should.  I created my forms manually as opposed to saving them based on the grid, in case that makes a difference.
The one thing that didn't rearrange properly for me was the Item column, that always stayed in position 1 no matter where I had it defined in the test form.  Luckily I always have that to the left, but I'd think it should position based on the form.

My last comment was before I saw your reply Armando.  Anyhow, wasn't in any way meaning to disagree with you, I agree if they are grouped when saved they should be grouped when loaded.  Luckily I don't group much, or like you I'd find the feature of limited use.


2016/12/15 11:47

In reply to by David_H

My last comment was before I saw your reply Armando.  Anyhow, wasn't in any way meaning to disagree with you, I agree if they are grouped when saved they should be grouped when loaded.  Luckily I don't group much, or like you I'd find the feature of limited use.
Yes, that was my point : grouping headers  and loading column set is a bit incompatible... so I can't use the load column set feature as much.
IQ geek
Windows 8.1
CPU: Intel i5 2.6ghz