Submitted by gregory on 2017/07/06 02:08
I use fields defined as list of items pop-up extensively. I have a field called Tags with Editor settings List of items pop-up,multi-select. If I select value(s) and close the dialogue using Alt+o or by clicking OK when I have the source bar displayed, the focus is shifted to the source bar. So when I press down-arrow - hoping to move to the next item in the current grid - IQ selects a different field as the the grid source! That isn't necessarily catastrophic because IQ warns you that you are about to change the grid source, but it is annoying to have to shift the focus back to the grid data.


Hi Mark
Thanks for spotting that one (I never leave the Source bar open, should do that when testing !)
I'll fix it in v98b
IQ Designer


2017/07/06 10:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you, that'll be great!
Mark GREGORY, Hull, England- GMT +0/+1; EST +5


2017/07/12 01:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Confirmed FIXED in 0.9.98b - thanks!
Mark GREGORY, Hull, England- GMT +0/+1; EST +5