Copy/paste doesn't work if cell contains bullets.
Example 1 - copy/paste works
1) cell contains normal text.
2) Copy cell (not in edit mode); Paste in new cell (not in edit mode).
3) Correctly pastes all text in new cell, overwriting any existing cell
Example 2 - copy/paste doesn't work
1) cell contains bulleted text (bullets inserted using alt-7: • like this)
2) same as above
3) pastes single quote mark instead of copied text.
This will probably be arcane for most people but I use bulleted text a lot. I've tested it quite a few times and re-booted.
Might as well add these, too:
1) You cannot copy an item containing an image and paste it elsewhere (it pastes a blank). I haven't been able to find a workaround other than doing a screen capture of the item.
2) You can copy an image in the HTML pane and paste it in the grid, but only by using edit>copy. For some reason, ctrl-c doesn't work.