Submitted by WayneK on 2017/08/27 21:01
1) ) When I click on the link to a subitem, it opens the subitem hoisted.  No other items are displayed.
2) If I then unhoist the subitem, the selection switches to the top item in the grid.  The linked subitem remains buried and lost in the grid.
The problem seems to be confined to subitem links.  TLI links work correctly (ie are not hoisted when you go to them).
This seems wrong on a couple of counts:
a) When you link to a subitem, it should open in its home grid in a normal fashion (not hoisted).  The outline should be expanded sufficiently to display the linked subitem, and the focus should be on that subitem.
b) When a subitem is selected and hoisted, turning off hoist should display the subitem in the grid normally (ie focus should not switch to another item).  I tested this on normal hoisting and it appears to be working correctly.  It only misbehaves when it's a subitem hyperlink.
It was doing this in 100 and is still doing it in 102.


Hi Wayne,
What is happening that if the sub-item was not previously shown in the grid, it has not way of knowing. The Home view of the sub-item is probably the current grid, so it does a hoist.
When you un-hoist, it should return to the parent item. It does not and I'll fix that in v102a
If the grid is fully expanded first, then the sub-item hyperlink will work as you expected
It is on the list to pre-load hidden sub-items, but definitely not a priority...
What about if the hyperlink would never hoist the current grid (as you loose context and isn't really intuitive), but instead open a new instance of the grid, or use the scratch grid ?
IQ Designer

In v103:
  • Fixed: Hyperlink in a grid will no longer hoist the current grid, so as not to lose focus. Another instance of the grid will be opened if need be
IQ Designer


2017/08/29 00:23

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

You said you're going to fix the unhoisting issue, which is a bigger problem right now.  The other low-priority fix to expand the outline for subitem links would be ideal, so I can wait for that.
I was trying to use subitem links to go to a specific spot in an outline (eg to the end of a long series of subitems).  That's not going to work the way it's set up now so I'll figure something else out.