Submitted by Tom on 2017/09/21 16:03
Minor formatting problem with edited file links (a bug imo, but there may be a logic to it (?))
Create a file-link item -- I use drag n drop file to IQ, use filename as text, e.g. Filename.ext
If I edit the item:
  1. adding text to item works as expected - link stays underlined blue, other text is normal (black)
  2. if I remove any of the text in the file link, (e.g. remove '.ext' in above example), it changes to 'normal' text i.e. blue and underlined format disappears, text becomes black
Win.7 x63
IQ 0.9.103


if I remove any of the text in the file link, (e.g. remove '.ext' in above example), it changes to 'normal' text i.e. blue and underlined format disappears, text becomes black
It should only remove the hyperlink if you delete from the end of the link with backspace. Otherwise the link stays. Apparently, this is standard behavior (for the Internet Explorer engine, which is used here)
[edit] BTW, the Popup editor does not do this. Not sure which one I like best though, as with the Popup editor, it is difficult to add normal text after a hyperlink without showing the HTML codes  [/edit]
IQ Designer


2017/09/22 12:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

[quote=Pierre_Admin]It should only remove the hyperlink if you delete from the end of the link with backspace. Otherwise the link stays. Apparently, this is standard behavior (for the Internet Explorer engine, which is used here)[/quote]interesting, I see if I put the cursor in the middle of the link text, and delete using Delete key, the formatting stays.
Good to know,
thanks as usual Pierre :up: