Submitted by Ivo on 2017/11/02 03:26
A simple question about just a small problem. When I've edited the text of an item, how can I exit the edit mode, while keeping the item selected? If I press the Enter key after editing an item, then an unwanted new item is created. I therefore have been pressing the Up or Down arrow key, but then the next item up or down is selected, unless it's the last item. Is there a single key or shortcut to escape editing an item while keeping the same item selected?


If you're in edit mode, hitting return exits edit mode and leaves the same item selected.  It does not create a new item unless you hit return a second time.  I do this hundreds of time a day and it's never failed.
It's helpful if you post which version you're using.  I'm still using 9.104b so maybe an anomaly was introduced in one of the later versions.


2017/11/02 20:53

In reply to by WayneK

I'm using version 0.9.104d

Hi Ivo,
This was modeled after Excel, so you can use:
  • F2 to edit and end editing
  • Enter key behavior depends on a setting (as in Excel). See Tools > Options > 1.2.22
  • Escape key will cancel editing
IQ Designer


2017/11/02 11:07

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I didn't realize there was a setting for that.
While we're on this topic:
1) While edit mode, use the up/down arrow to move to next item.
2) This causes InfoQube to exit edit mode.  To continue editing on the next cell you have to either:
   2a) Remove hands from home keys and use mouse to re-enter edit mode.
   2b) Randomly type a letter just to enter mode, then backspace to erase what you just typed.
I've suggested before that I think it would be an improvement if you could arrow up/down and remain in edit mode.  This avoids having having to remove your hands from the home keys (a no-no in touch typing) or needlessly type/erase just to enter edit mode.
The above would be useful for people who copy/paste text into InfoQube then have to clean up line breaks, erroneous ocr etc.  You  can just stay on the arrow keys and move from cell to cell, and position to position making corrections.  I do this many times a day so I'm prejudiced about the usefulness of this.
Maybe there's another way to accomplish the above.


2017/11/02 14:30

In reply to by WayneK

I've suggested before that I think it would be an improvement if you could arrow up/down and remain in edit mode.  This avoids having having to remove your hands from the home keys (a no-no in touch typing) or needlessly type/erase just to enter edit mode.
It's probably a bug (WYSIWYG mode?) as I can certainly use the up-down arrows in "edit mode" without going to the next item --  unless, obviously, I reach the last line in the cell (going down) or the first (going up ).


2017/11/02 14:51

In reply to by Armando

Yes, I understand.  Mine works the same way.  It's not a bug.  I'm suggesting a feature change to make editing multiple items easier.. 
I'm talking about when you purposely go to the next item to continue editing.  Then it switches from edit mode to selection mode.  That might seem like the way it "should" work but I have a file manager where it stays in edit mode when you change selections, and have found it to be very useful for editing a list of items without having to repeatedly grab the mouse to re-enter edit mode.
If my suggested change is implemented, and you want to switch to selection mode, it's easy to do by hitting return without removing your fingers from the home keys.


2017/11/02 15:16

In reply to by WayneK

I'm talking about when you purposely go to the next item to continue editing.  Then it switches from edit mode to selection mode.  
I get it, thanks!  There used to be an option to to do that : Auto-edit or something like that.
(Yes, Some file manager behave in this way –  e.g. Directory Opus)


2017/11/02 15:20

In reply to by Armando

Not quite... Wayne wants editing to stay enabled until explicitly ended, so arrow keys will never close the editor
IQ Designer


2017/11/02 23:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Not quite... Wayne wants editing to stay enabled until explicitly ended, so arrow keys will never close the editor
IQ Designer
I got that, but wasn't auto-edit doing that? I never really used it, so I might not be remembering properly.
(Just found that in the forum, excerpt from an older version of the manual "In Auto-edit, you can't really surf on your items, cursor movements automatically trigger an edit. 
Ecco was always in auto-edit, so it is there for ex-Ecco users")


2017/11/03 01:22

In reply to by Armando

No, AutoEdit didn't do quite that, and it didn't do what Ecco did either, so in waiting for a proper fix, it was removed
An AutoEdit mode that would flow well from cell to cell would be ideal, much like a word processor, but in the meantime, we've got an edit mode and a select mode (like in Excel)
IQ Designer


2017/11/03 11:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 I see. For some reason, I can't quite remember how it worked exactly... Old age.


2017/11/02 14:43

In reply to by WayneK

Hi All !
In v105, I've added an option on how to handle arrow keys in grid cells (text fields), shown as a toggle button on the status bar.
  • New: Grid: New Status bar toggle button to set arrow keys behavior when editing a cell
IQ Designer


2017/11/02 19:50

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you so much.  It's good that you made it an option because not everyone will like my suggestion.


2017/11/02 21:02

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks. I'm glad there's an option for that. I found option 1.2.22: "While editing, Enter creates a new item" and unchecked the box, then pressed Apply and OK. The Enter button still creates a new item while editing. I tried again after restart and still no change.
I've already been using F2 to edit, but I didn't realise I could press it again to end editing. I will use that instead for the time being.


2017/11/02 21:18

In reply to by Ivo

unchecked the box, then pressed Apply and OK. The Enter button still creates a new item while editing
Strange indeed, as it is working just fine here...
IQ Designer