Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/04/08 19:45
Pierre, is there a time frame on the near horizon when a user will be able to input an appt in a grid & have it appear in the graphic calendar?  And will the user be able to use context in the graphic calendar. I ask because I seem to use my contacts list as a matrix -- everything along the lines of GTD, appts, etc. is input as a contact child so I can easily see my history with that contact.
Thanks for your indulgence.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


The much delayed 0.9.24 will support entering calendar in the grid. Unfortunately, I don't have an ETA


2009/04/09 11:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Will the calendar support an option for context view?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/09 11:26

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

As in context parents ? No, but the properties pane is always available to show this kind of info (plus sub-items, etc)
An Ecco-style grid-based calendar is possible not in a near future


2009/04/27 13:12

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hmmmm. Indeed the prop pane cane be used for this.  I was thinking about printing out the calendar.  I don't know what (plus sub-items) means
It's been so long since I've used Ecco, I've forgotten what the grid based calendar looked like or how it functioned.
I would really just like inter-connectivity between grid date / time & calendar date / time in either direction.
Edited 04/27/09 01:06 pm
It appears that if user enters an appt in graphic calendar (current set up), that date appears only under ApptDate column in grid
I am currently using a different date field simply called 'Date'
It works in conjunction with Day of Week column & others
Does this mean that some time in the future -- whenever the calendar is fully integrated -- that only the ApptDate field will be the conduit between the graphic calendar & the grid?
If so, then it would make sense for me to move all my grid "Date" entries into the "ApptDate" field so they are conversant with the graphic calendar
This will be a lot of work
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/27 15:18

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

> If so, then it would make sense for me to move all my grid "Date" entries into the "ApptDate" field so they are conversant with the graphic calendar
This is pretty easy to do. For example you could just write in the "equation" part in the "manage fields"  window for the "ApptDate" field : =Date
Then click on the refreshicon beside the equation text entry box to "recalculate" all values for the apptDate field. Just make sure that you don't erase previous values entered in the apptDate field.
There are other ways Pierre or advanced users could explained.


2009/04/27 16:01

In reply to by Armando

Cool. thanks Armando. Now I'll wait to hear what pierre has to say about intended graphic calendar date / time relationship to grid date / time fields.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1