Submitted by Ivo on 2017/11/04 23:59
When there's more than 1 IQ database open, the little preview window that pops up on mouse hover from the IQ icon on the Windows task bar says: "InfoQube Information Manager..." and it cuts of there. It would be more useful if it said the file name, maybe just "IQ" rather than spelled out the longest way, or just the file name, in the way that MS Office apps do. This would make it quicker and easier to select the correct window to maximise when more than 1 is open.


Try this:
Options>1.1.9 (program Title bar).  By default, it shows the program name first.  I changed mine to show file name first:
{file}   {version} {build} - {folder}{file}
I have my Windows taskbar set to show each icon separately.  I prefer being able to go straight to a file.  If you have the icons stacked, you have to click on the stack and open a list.  If I stack mine, it doesn't display names on hover but maybe you're using a different version of Windows.
Windows 7


2017/11/09 20:52

In reply to by WayneK

Thanks Wayne, option 1.1.9 was exactly what I needed. Problem solved.
I'm using Windows 10, and there's no room on my task bar to display each icon separately. I just noticed that a little white text box pops up over the thumbnail popup, showing the app name and file. It's wrapped, so nothing's missing. I'm surprised I missed it, but probably did becuase it doesn't always appear and there's a slight delay, which also limits its usefulness.


2017/11/09 21:09

In reply to by Ivo

I put my taskbar on the left side of the screen and shrink it to a minimum using excellent 7+ Taskbar tweeker. It has nice options to better manage windows and icons.
p.s. Some reorganization of the options in v105, so 1.1.9 is now 1.1.1
IQ Designer