Submitted by WayneK on 2018/01/18 19:36
The more I use the clipper, the more I appreciate it, and the more I wish it were a little more efficient.  The thing that slows things down for me is the awkward method of selecting grid assignments.  You have to click on a pop-up list, then scroll down a long list of fields (grids) to select the ones you want.  For the next item, you have to repeat the process, and also find and uncheck the previously checked fields, if they don't apply.
Here are my suggestions:
1) Make the field list editable so the list can be shortened to make it easier to find selections.
2) Expand the list of permanent check boxes and make it editable.  Right now, two selections are displayed permanently (Inbox, Current Grid).  If we could expand and edit this list to maybe 10 grids, it would make things easier.  Most of the time, you could directly check and uncheck grids without having to open a pop-up and scan up and down a long list. The pop-up could be kept for accessing the full list of grids as needed.  
PS I realize that there's a direct, simple way right now: assign everything to the inbox.  The problem with that, for me, is that my inbox fills up with unassigned links.  I'd like to discipline myself to make the correct grid assignment when the link is captured, and not put it off to a later time.


2) Expand the list of permanent check boxes and make it editable.  Right now, two selections are displayed permanently (Inbox, Current Grid).  If we could expand and edit this list to maybe 10 grids, it would make things easier.  Most of the time, you could directly check and uncheck grids without having to open a pop-up and scan up and down a long list. The pop-up could be kept for accessing the full list of grids as needed.[/quote]this is an interesting idea
BTW you do know you can just type the relevant fields in yourself (and fill text fields) ?

Appart from Tom's good suggestion, there are efficient ways to use that long list.
I use the clipper/add item dialog all day, and that's how I do it (IMO, very efficient and quick. I ) :
Obviously, first Win+N to bring up the add item/clipper dialog (or whatever shortcut you usually use), then type whatever needs to be typed if needed in the item text box or html text box...
Then : 
1- Alt+F (to focus on the field text box)
2 - F2 to expand the list
3 - Type the first letters of the field/grid to move to the appropriate field (you can then press F3 to move from field to field sharing with the same string), and press ctrl+space to check it. It takes 1s to do both.
If you need to assign more fields : backspace, and repeat the process to assign another field/grid.
Really, it's quick and you never need to use your mouse.
Note that you can use approximately the same strategy to navigate the properties pane.
[Pierre : maybe that sequence - 1, 2, 3 above - + tom's explanation could be added to a tooltip for the field text box. Those tooltips -- only if triggered with Ctrl+mouse over so that they don't get in the way -- are immensely useful... ]


2018/01/20 01:48

In reply to by Armando

I appreciate your laying out your working method in such detail.  I'll give this an honest effort but I'm not optimistic about this being easier. 
Step 3 is going to be a big hurdle.  I'm working with 6 open files each with their own grid setups and different grid names.  No way I'm going to be able to remember the appropriate letters to type for each grid.  If I had a set list to look at directly, it'd be easy to pick out the appropriate one.
I still think my suggestions are worth considering.  Not everyone likes working with keyboard shortcuts.  The memory issue alone is a big obstacle when you're older (can't remember the shortcuts; can't remember the field names).  Having a permanent list of applicable fields in plain view is a great memory aid.
As I said, I'll try it, but that looks like a whole lot of keys being pushed to avoid one or two mouse clicks in the set up I suggest.


2018/01/20 15:51

In reply to by WayneK

I appreciate your laying out your working method in such detail.  I'll give this an honest effort but I'm not optimistic about this being easier. 
Step 3 is going to be a big hurdle.  I'm working with 6 open files each with their own grid setups and different grid names.  No way I'm going to be able to remember the appropriate letters to type for each grid.  If I had a set list to look at directly, it'd be easy to pick out the appropriate one.
I still think my suggestions are worth considering.  Not everyone likes working with keyboard shortcuts.  The memory issue alone is a big obstacle when you're older (can't remember the shortcuts; can't remember the field names).  Having a permanent list of applicable fields in plain view is a great memory aid.
As I said, I'll try it, but that looks like a whole lot of keys being pushed to avoid one or two mouse clicks in the set up I suggest.
I see. I understand perfectly well the need to see things, not just memorize them. I'm the same for many things -- and I suspect we're not alone!
In the field management dialog (tools->manage fields) there could also be an option (for each field) : "add item dialog : show in available fields" or "add item dialog : hide in available fields" , similar to the other options for the properties pane. 
Fields could also be dragged and grouped.
[Edit : as for the keys to remember : alt+f is easy to remember as the F is already underlined in the dialog. F2 is standard to edit, and F3 is also standard to search forward. Ctrl+space is also pretty standard, although some applications will also accept space only  -- not saying that to try to convince you or anything, just to help, in case it would be useful.]


2018/01/23 18:06

In reply to by WayneK

Step 3 is going to be a big hurdle.  I'm working with 6 open files each with their own grid setups and different grid names.  No way I'm going to be able to remember the appropriate letters to type for each grid.  If I had a set list to look at directly, it'd be easy to pick out the appropriate one.
How about if the recently checked fields showed up at the top of the list ?
IQ Designer


2018/01/26 12:07

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

That would be better.


2018/01/23 18:03

In reply to by Armando

3 - Type the first letters of the field/grid to move to the appropriate field (you can then press F3 to move from field to field sharing with the same string), and press ctrl+space to check it. It takes 1s to do both.
If you need to assign more fields : backspace, and repeat the process to assign another field/grid.
BTW, if you hit Enter instead of ctrl+space, there is no need to press backspace to search for another field, just start typing
IQ Designer


2018/01/25 00:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

3 - Type the first letters of the field/grid to move to the appropriate field (you can then press F3 to move from field to field sharing with the same string), and press ctrl+space to check it. It takes 1s to do both.
If you need to assign more fields : backspace, and repeat the process to assign another field/grid.
BTW, if you hit Enter instead of ctrl+space, there is no need to press backspace to search for another field, just start typing
IQ Designer
NIce! Thanks, I didn't know that, and never noticed it. Saves a few keyboard strokes each time!