Submitted by Jon on 2018/01/31 16:15
1. Scrollbar so I can quickly scroll through long grids
2. The indicator on the scrollbar to indicate filter status and to clear filters
Unless I am missing the options settings.
Oh yeah - using 107 pre 4


Hi Jon,
Can you provide a screen shot ?
IQ Designer


2018/01/31 20:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 It contains lots of confidential information. I'll send it tomorrow through email.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

1. Scrollbar so I can quickly scroll through long grids
2. The indicator on the scrollbar to indicate filter status and to clear filters
1. You mean to say that you don't have a scroll bar on the right of each grid ? Same with a sample IQBase ?
2. Standard toolbar filter button and the yellow filter bar don't do what you want ?
IQ Designer


2018/02/01 14:57

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

1. You mean to say that you don't have a scroll bar on the right of each grid ? Same with a sample IQBase ?
2. Standard toolbar filter button and the yellow filter bar don't do what you want ?
1. Yes. There is no scrollbar to the right of each grid. This is in both my working database and a new sample IQBase.
2. The yellow filter bar you are referring to is present on the status bar when a filter is active? If yes, then it never appears with the current version (107 pre 4 - I have not had time to update to 107 which was posted today).
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/01 15:02

In reply to by Jon

1. Yes. There is no scrollbar to the right of each grid. This is in both my working database and a new sample IQBase. 
2. The yellow filter bar you are referring to is present on the status bar when a filter is active? If yes, then it never appears with the current version (107 pre 4 - I have not had time to update to 107 which was posted today).
Both of these issues are not present here. Can you try a brand new portable install with the sample IQBase ? Screenshot of the Welcome grid (sample) would also help
IQ Designer


2018/02/02 04:59

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre:
A fresh portable install corrected the problems. I use only the portable install and have lived with the most troublesome issue - no scrollbar - for a long time. Just didn't report it. The yellow filter bar was a recent development,
The installation folder is always deleted except for the Users folder and my license file. Once the newer version is in place, the Users folder and license file are restored to their proper locations.
Do you have any ideas about what went wrong?
Thank you for your help.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/02 10:23

In reply to by Jon

Hi Jon,
Thanks is most peculiar indeed. I have no idea of the possible cause. If you have a non-working setup, please email the files in your Users folder and I'll take a look
Otherwise, at least the fresh version works correctly !!
p.s. Next time, don't  wait years before reporting issues, the faster the better !! 
IQ Designer


2018/02/02 17:27

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Sent via email.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/05 09:07

In reply to by Jon

 Sent via email.
Hi Jon,
Nothing received. Perhaps zip a setup which doesn't have any scroll bars and send it again. Tx
IQ Designer


2018/02/05 08:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre:
After installing the portable version of 107B and customizing IQ to my preferences, I opened my main data file. I tried this on a new sample database too. Both issues are back. The grid scrollbar and the yellow filter bar in the status bar are gone.
While doing some menu customization I came upon other oddities.
1. Open customize dialogue
2. Click on the Commands tab
3. Drag the New Blank IQBase and/or New IQBase (with sample data) to a position in the IQ main menu
4. Close customize and test the new addition(s). On my systems they do nothing.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/05 09:09

In reply to by Jon

1. Open customize dialogue
2. Click on the Commands tab
3. Drag the New Blank IQBase and/or New IQBase (with sample data) to a position in the IQ main menu
4. Close customize and test the new addition(s). On my systems they do nothing.
Confirmed and fixed in v108
(bug was introduced when multiple templates were introduced a few versions back
Thanks for catching that one !
IQ Designer


2018/02/05 10:08

In reply to by Jon

 Hi Pierre:
After installing the portable version of 107B and customizing IQ to my preferences, I opened my main data file. I tried this on a new sample database too. Both issues are back. The grid scrollbar and the yellow filter bar in the status bar are gone.
Thank you for the upcoming fix to customization. A few days ago I sent my user files so you could troubleshoot the problem with the grid scrollbar and the yellow filter bar. As I stated above, following customizing a clean install, the issues are back. Have you ideas about what is going on?
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/05 14:09

In reply to by Jon

 Pierre, I have been attempting to fix these issues myself. Removing the user folder and allowing IQ to recreate on on startup did nothing. No yellow filter bar or grid scrollbar. I then tried  fresh install without making any modifications to IQ. Default settings only. Same issue with my working database and a fresh sample database.
What is going on?
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/06 08:20

In reply to by Jon

An update. I have tried everything that comes to mind to correct the missing. To get right to the point, display the grids with the property pane docked to the right. Drag the property pane window to the left to enlarge the property window. The grid window will become quite narrow and at that point the scroll bar appears. The grid window is too narrow to be of any use. Dragging the window back causes the scroll bar to disappear once again. Not a solution, but perhaps gives you a clue Pierre?
I have not been able to come  up with anything concerning the yellow filter bar.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/06 09:57

In reply to by Jon

Hi Jon,
I'm not able to reproduce the issue and didn't get your config files, but your last post did raise a flag as to a possible cause. The issue would not be invisible scrollbars per se, but rather an incorrect sizing of the grid.
IQ Designer


2018/02/06 12:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Jon,
I'm not able to reproduce the issue and didn't get your config files, but your last post did raise a flag as to a possible cause. The issue would not be invisible scrollbars per se, but rather an incorrect sizing of the grid.
IQ Designer
I will re-send the configuration files. Please confirm that you received them. With regard to the incorrect grid sizing, is this a matter for you, the grid supplier or something I can do?
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/06 20:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The issue would not be invisible scrollbars per se, but rather an incorrect sizing of the grid.
This got me thinking and I think I found the solution for the missing scroll bar. I still must test it, but on my home computer, I changed Windows DPI settings back to 100% from my preferred 120%. The scroll bar was restored. Does this make sense to you? I will try this tomorrow on my office laptop and report back. But, I really need the DPI settings at 120%. Is there any way to make IQ work with this? All my other (many) programs have no trouble.
I do not know if the yellow filter bar will similarly return as I have not tested this yet.
Sorry to be a pest about this. I have worn out the center wheel on my mouse and have developed a bulging muscle on my index finger from scrolling through lengthy grids. If this can be fixed for my display, I can retire from my second career as a professional finger wrestler.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/07 07:56

In reply to by Jon

Just finished testing on my work laptop. I confirm that the issue is with the DPI settings. Reducing my preferred (and for my vision, NEEDED) setting of 120% to 100% restores the visibility of both the grid scroll bar and the yellow filter bar. I tried the compatibility setting to disable display scaling on high DPI settings, but it does not work. Furthermore unlike some of my other programs where ticking this option is necessary, the setting does not stick. In other words, returning to check the option shows it is no longer checked. I have full administrative rights.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/07 08:06

In reply to by Jon

Hi Jon !
Thanks for following through with this. It should be easy to fix and you'll be able to quit your second job as finger wrestler 
IQ Designer


2018/02/07 09:03

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

That is good news Pierre. I look forward to the fix.
To determine if there is some threshold after which the scroll bar and yellow filter bar would become visible, I decreased the DPI by 5% increments. It seems that IQ is only satisfied with 100%.
I'll send you the bill for my new glasses!
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/07 14:44

In reply to by Jon

To determine if there is some threshold after which the scroll bar and yellow filter bar would become visible, I decreased the DPI by 5% increments. It seems that IQ is only satisfied with 100%.
Bizarre... I can reproduce it here in Windows 10 using custom scaling.
What is strange is the default choices (100%, 125%, 150%) all work just fine !
Hence, only custom scaling has the issue
IQ Designer


2018/02/06 10:10

In reply to by Jon

[quote=Jon]display the grids with the property pane docked to the right. Drag the property pane window to the left to enlarge the property window. The grid window will become quite narrow and at that point the scroll bar appears. The grid window is too narrow to be of any use. Dragging the window back causes the scroll bar to disappear once again. Not a solution, but perhaps gives you a clue Pierre?
I couldnt reproduce it but wonder if this may be a workaround (and/or a clue?):
try turning off auto-column width (grid height will not change when grid is made narrower)
(menu: column > Auto etc.


2018/02/06 12:29

In reply to by Tom

Thank you Tom. Unfortunately, this did not work.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit

Well, well, after 1 day of work and numerous trials, let me say that this issue is most peculiar.
It does turns out to be related to the display scaling
I did some tests on an Windows 10 machine with the following result
This shows the correction factor vs the display scaling
Display scalingGrid scaling
So... since there doesn't seem to be ANY sense to this data, I decided in v107d to add a user adjustable parameter to set the grid scaling correction (High DPI Grid scaling factor)
May be one day, someone will make some sense of this, but in the meantime, users, Jon in particular, will have scrollbars again !
p.s. Data was entered in IQ and graph is a Pivot Chart, a built-in view (provided MS Office 2000+ is installed) 
IQ Designer


2018/02/07 19:10

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you Pierre. I'm looking forward to getting the scroll bars back.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/07 20:43

In reply to by Jon

You could also set the display scaling to 125%, which worked fine (on Win10 at least)
IQ Designer


2018/02/07 21:34

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I may have figured out how to avoid the need for the High DPI Grid scaling factor...
Jon, please re-download v107d and leave the factor = 0 and see if the issue is present
If it is, you can tweak it to fit the grid in it's window
Fingers crossed here
IQ Designer


2018/02/08 04:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Will test it when I get to work in a couple of hours. Pierre, are you aware that the download is named 107c? Is this a typo? This is really the version (D) you want me to test?
Also in researching this issue (I was looking for tweaks that could be made to the registry) I learned that Microsoft has recommendations about HIGHDPIAWARE. I did not save the links but I am sure you know this already,
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/08 07:30

In reply to by Jon

 Hi Pierre:
I am confirming that the file is not just mis-named. It is 107C not 107D.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/08 07:37

In reply to by Jon

Fixed !
I guess it was getting late yesterday when I did the changes... 
IQ Designer


2018/02/08 07:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 That's OK. You work hard. It happens to us all.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2018/02/08 08:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Just did some quick testing before running to a meeting. It works great! Thank you!
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit