Submitted by Armando on 2018/02/19 10:19
 Hi Pierre,
Show histogram Freezes IQ. It also only shows a rectangle with 2 dates and nothing else. I'll provide a screenshot if needed.
(The histogram is -- I believe --  the top part showing the bars in a condensed way.)


Hi Armando,
I'll look into it quickly, but no, the Histogram is not the top part, that is the Overview. The Histogram is a bottom pane, showing the load. It works with the Effort (in days) Field setting (Gantt Properties)
To show the Overview, one now drags the top splitter (Show Overview is gone in v108)
IQ Designer


2018/02/19 18:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Ah! That's why I was confused. Overview option to turn off/on is gone.
So, yes, histogram freezes IQ. Here, at least. (Haven,t done extensive testing due to lack of time)