Submitted by David_H on 2018/03/04 12:51
1. Format some text in a grid using the toolbar, for instance make it red.
2. Go go Map View. It's red.
3. Close the program. Next time you open it's still red in the grid, but no longer red in map view. Changing the font color in the grid back and forth again gets it to show up in map view, until it's lost again in map view later on.
I think the issue is with text formatted using WYSIWYG.
I also notice that if I turn on WYSIWYG and double click in a cell that had text formatted (not using WYSIWYG) that the formatting disappears. Is that normal behavior?


Hi David,
First issue is confirmed and fixed in the next version
As for the second issue, can you explain in a little bit more detail, I'd like to reproduce it but did not succeed
IQ Designer