Submitted by WayneK on 2018/09/14 18:06
Is there any way to add custom icons to tabs?
1) Adding icon info (<img>name</img>) displays the descriptive text, not the icon.
2) Turning on "show icons in vertical tabs" displays the same standard icon on all the tabs, with no way to change it.
I'll also make a pitch for adding standard formatting for tab text.  That would be ideal.  I have 30+ tabs displayed in alpabetical order on the side, which is pretty efficient.  If I could somehow highlight the few tabs I use the most, it would speed up searching for the right one.


Maybe changing the background colour might be useful.
But each new feature added to the interface adds complication to the interface.
The best way to add features is to keep them hidden away until relevant.

Tried that but changing the grid background color doesn't change the tab color. 

Hi Wayne and Paul,
Colored tabs is on the list. Custom icons is now on it too !
IQ Designer

Hi Wayne,
Colored tabs is coming to a store near you...
IQ Designer