Just discovered the BROWSE Mode button in the Editor!! That makes some of this discussion somewhat MOOT! Should have known that Pierre wouldn't miss something so obvious.
There are still a few situations where a single Document can have multiple Active Editors as described below and the danger of losing edits still exists. But Browse Mode makes things much easier to handle. I would like an OPTION setting (General or Database-specific) where Editors are ALWAYS initialized to Browse Mode. There should also be a way of setting Shortcut Keys for Browse Mode and Lock-To-Item; I looked but couldn't find those commands in [Tools] [Keyboard Shortcuts] [Customize].
The problem with IQ locking up when attempting to DRAG an embedded Editor OUT of a free-floating window is also very real. There should be mechanism to DETACH Editors more easily.
Paul, thanks for the stimulating discussion. I hope that you got something out of it as well.
Let me start by acknowledging that I may be pushing the boundaries of what IQ was intended to do. I'm pointing these things out so that other users that stumble across this configuration can avoid the pitfalls that I've already fallen into.
I love that IQ allows me to have multiple detached Documents Panes that are fully editable (a feature that I found virtually nowhere else). I also love that I can DOCK these Document Panes together (although I'm not sure that this feature was intentional). As long as these detached Panes are LOCKED to individual Items/Documents, everything works as expected. The LOCKED Documents can only be edited within the designated Pane.
The trouble starts when I DOCK a third Locked Document into the same Docksite as one of the other Locked Documents. Now the Locked Document associated with the UN-FOCUSED Document Pane can show up in the UNLOCKED Document Pane and can be edited. Now I can have 2 completely different versions of the same Document and which one ends up being saved is somewhat undefined. Additionally, there is presently no way to FORCE the Document Panes to REFRESH from the currently SAVED version.
I believe the problem is that IQ only checks LOCKED Documents that are FOCUSED when deciding whether to display and allow editing in the UNLOCKED Document Pane. I hope this makes some sense to everyone.
I think it is safe to say that we are in agreement that a document should have only 1 active Editor.
As you indicated, ConnectedText has to switch between Edit and Render modes while the IQ Editor is WYSIWYG so the View-Only mode would simply tell the Editor to ignore any editing commands. In most programming components there is just a true/false flag that can be toggled on/off with a single line of code (over-simplifying as Toolbars would need to be Enabled/Disabled, some UI indicator set, checking state of existing Editors, etc.). A couple of shortcut keys for LOCK and EDIT toggles (<Ctrl L> & <Ctrl E>??) and away we go.
Collapsible Headers and Lists are very much part of HTML5 although the IQ Editor doesn't seem to handle them yet. Capturing this example page into IQ renders fairly well but the buttons don't function. I know that Pierre has mused about replacing the current Editor with an RTF-based one but I would hate to give up any of its current capabilities for this more archaic standard. My biggest wishes for the IQ Editor is the option to actually download and store the HTML-referenced images and an easier way to proportionally resize those images.
I don't see the need for Word's Outline Mode as I create my Outlines as separate IQ Items which I can then organize as I see fit. This is why I end up with as many as 6 IQ documents combined into a single editing window. I can even play around with multiple configurations of the same composite document. It is still a bit of a hassle to export the selected configuration into HTML and then into Word for final editing but I can live with that process for now.
Actually what is needed is a good introductory video tutorial. The main problem is that IQ is such a FREE-FORM application which can be used in a wide variety of ways to address a whole range of situations. I've been documenting my experience in coming to grips with IQ's approach and massive list of features (mainly as an act of self-preservation) so a vague outline is beginning to take shape. Once the new Tags feature is in place, it may be safe to start sharing a more formal outline.
I suspect that IQ's overall success may depend on providing a range of TEMPLATES that give users (new and experienced) a starting point for addressing different types of problems.
Thanks Pierre, a welcome addition.
I've been working with some longer documents recently and have a few issues with how Browse Mode works in regards to maintaining a Caret position.
There is an Item Property [ItemHTMLCaretPos] so I assume that you have some plans for dealing with some of these issues. Scrolling problems aside, I somewhat like the fact that the content of the Browse document doesn't change immediately as it gives me a before and after picture of my editing changes. If you maintain this feature, there will need to be a [Refesh] button added though.
I don't envy you the decisions surrounding the syncing of an actively changing document. I've gone through this for decades regarding when and how to update display of database views and have yet to find an ideal solution.
Paul, thanks for the arrow keys tip. It obviously shows that the caret is being tracked and the document scroll should be able to be reset relatively easily.
I look forward to Pierre's enhancement enforcing a single active editor for an individual document but I've got a process that keeps me out of trouble for now and shouldn't have to change dramatically afterwards.
I'm now free to edit the Document AND move around in the main IQ window as required (and, YES Pierre, I'm aware of the dangers of treating application "quirks" as "features").
Thanks for the update Pierre.
I now see that I can Click & Drag to select some Text in Browse Mode which can then be copied with <Ctrl+C> which is helpful. This process still doesn't seem to set the Caret Position in the Browse Document however. Eventually I would prefer there to be an active Caret in Browse Mode that would also respond to <Shift+Arrow> for selection (just not allow any actual editing) but I'll gladly take what is currently available.
Conceptually, I agree that the safest and most logical process is to update all the Browse Editors when Document changes are saved (hate losing a useful side-effect though). For complex editing, I can always setup a Grid for Version Control / History if necessary.
(hate losing a useful side-effect though). For complex editing, I can always setup a Grid for Version Control / History if necessary.
You can also open a second instance of that IQBase. There is also the Revert command and Undo... (though they aren't perfect, I know)
Just as a point of interest, how much of your recent Note-Taking Comparison review was actually composed in IQ?
Just as a point of interest, how much of your recent Note-Taking Comparison review was actually composed in IQ?
Interesting (and an intriguing list of subjects)!
I find that IQ provides a nice balance between a quick & easy stripped-down text editor while still providing a well-rounded set of advanced tools (like properly implemented Styles). I haven't enjoyed a word processor this much since Lotus' AmiPro stopped working sometime around Windows XP.
I envy people like you that can start with a blank page and compose a coherent document from start to finish. I always seem to start with a half-baked outline and a bunch of random thoughts that eventually all get welded together. IQ lets me have as many 8 Topic editors open at the same time (limit is really just screen real estate) and I can flit back and forth fleshing out ideas as thoughts come to me. My documents now just seem to evolve into a more coherent (hopefully) whole.
Thanks for sharing.
(There is already an entry in the Print Preview dialog -- Outline using Heading Styles, but it still says "Coming soon..." )
Pierre, Sounds like you may be in the mood for more wish-granting...
How about an additional option for the existing [Export to HTML] feature that "simply" merges the Documents for a selected group of Items into a single HTML Document. The existing feature does a pretty good job but places each Document into a Table cell (along with rows for the Grid Items and Fields). Subtract the Table directives and IQ could quickly generate various "composite documents" by filtering and ordering a Grid. Think Game of Thrones where you could actually follow a particular story-line with a degree of continuity.