Pierre, In some thread you mentioned that you had Gmail working w IQ. I can't send via gMAIL because there aren't enough options for security settings. Could you please tell me how you've done it.
Thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
Hi Jan,
This is your third or forth thread on the subject. Please take the time to search previous posts and simply do a bump. It helps you, me and other users getting the context. This is the concept of a thread.
I've answered 1 month ago in How to set up gmail smtp server that the UI will be updated to enable this. This hasn't been done yet. Furthermore, you commented on this as follows: [quote]Given a choice, I would prefer to see more work on calendar....... puleeeeeeze [/quote]
Furthermore, you commented on this as follows:
[quote]Given a choice, I would prefer to see more work on calendar....... puleeeeeeze
This is exactly what I've been doing...