Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2018/12/18 03:28
- Lock item doesn't currently seem to do anything (nothing changes in the properties pane and the item can simply be deleted after creating a new item and choosing 'lock' from the 'item' menu)
- IQ tries to register global hotkeys from Options|Other even when they are set to "" (I can tell as OK'ing the options dialog always produces an error message due to an inability to register those hotkeys on my system)


Lock: Confirmed and fixed in the next version. For now, you can use the Locked checkmark in the Properties pane, it works
Hotkey: Can you provide more details (OS, exact steps taken) ? It is working here...
IQ Designer


2018/12/18 18:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Lock: I can not currently see the 'Locked' checkmark anywhere in the Properties pane, not even under 'All fields'.
  • OS: Windows 10, up to date
  • Wanting to disable IQ's global hotkeys, I go into Options to set both the new item and clipper hotkey to blank by clearing the fields (which seem to contain {Win}[{Space}]N and {Win}[{Space}]C by default)
  • On confirming the changes to options, I get this error message:
  • On re-opening options, the fields are still blank, so I seem to have achieved what I want, except for the error message
  • On closing and re-opening InfoQube, however, when I open options, I get this error message: 
  • Looking at Options, I see the standard values are back.
  • On confirming options, I finally get this error message:
  • It seems to be taken by some other program on my system, but I just didn't want those values returning.
Bottom line: I was unable to disable these global hotkeys (which I don't use).
Thanks for looking into this!


2018/12/18 18:37

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

  1. {Win}{Space}N is invalid as it has 2 characters
  2. {Win}{Space} is used by Windows
  3. To use {Win} C, you need to disable Cortana. Instructions here: 10. Program Settings and options
  4. I tried {Ctrl}{Alt}{Space} and it worked fine
IQ Designer


2018/12/18 19:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks for your reply. I don't really want to use space for these hotkeys. I tried to disable them entirely by entering an empty string but that didn't work.
The default setting on the dialog just *looks* like {Win}+space+N / {Win}+space+C and I can go in and edit them so they look like {Win}N / {Win}C instead, but this apparently doesn't make a difference to how IQ treats them internally and is only cosmetic.