Submitted by Bad Dog on 2019/01/03 11:44
I have been able to use tags to modify a grid's source and filter using the format "AND #TagName" but have not been successful using the format "AND NOT #TagName". What am I doing wrong?


Hi Bad Dog,
It works here... can you reproduce it in the sample IQBase or the Welcome to IQ IQBase and report back ?
Are depending on tag inheritance ? If yes, perhaps you need to set the Depth in Grid Properties
IQ Designer

Bad Dog

2019/01/04 14:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 After trying filters using tags in the Welcome IQBase, I realized my problem was that I did not fully understand how filtering works.
I expected the child items (that meet the filter criteria) to be filtered out on the basis of the parent not meeting the filter criteria. This normally does not happen, but possibly I could make this happen by changing settings?