Using the various copy / paste special options, I'm still struggling to find a way of creating a replica of a parent item and its subitems in the same or another grid that is completely independent of the 'mother' item.
Say I have a couple of checklists in one grid, e.g. for packing stuff I need while travelling and chores I need to complete before leaving.
What I used to do in Ecco is to copy these branches from one notepad to my action notepad and first just delete all the items that are irrelevant for this particular trip, then later delete the items that I have completed (rather than mark them done or something - as I don't need to document that I've packed my razor etc.).
Whatever I do, either the items copied to the action grid are still identified as the original items and I have to be careful to only erase them from the action grid or the mother checklist will become incomplete. Also, when I change an item, e.g. from 'pack razor' to 'pack new razor', the mother list will be changed to, which is often not what I want as I may not need another new razor on my next trip etc.
I guess what I'm looking for is a sort of 'paste as orphan item' option where only formatting-related fields are replicated but none of the grid references.
Alternatively, I'd settle for pasting just plain text items in a tab-delimited outline without any XML info, but currently IQ is unable to preserve the outline hierarchy and all items appear in the grid at the same level. By the way, this also makes it impossible to simply copy and paste part of an outline from other simple outliners like Ecco, Google tasks, Word, text editors etc. Very basic stuff, I'd say.