After a few weeks and numerous iterations (yeah, I know), what's the verdict on the new Item Editors ?
Best thing since sliced bread !
Still needs work
Well, not sure...
Thanks for your feedback !
IQ Designer
Quite useful, very flexible.
I used to only edit in the document pane, but sometimes with other items open in other panes just for reference usually locked to an item and usually in read only mode.
Now I can have other editor panes open as well. They are useful because they have more functionality than the clones of the document pane. Almost as much functionality than the document pane itself. This makes for greater flexibility but also makes the user interface a little more complex.
InfoQube already has a complex user interface.
On the whole Item Editors are a good thing in my opinion.
About the only thing I've found is that it's not a good idea to open too many editor windows at a time; I keep it generally around 5 at a time.
I think it can easily handle 20 or more, but it takes long to load, and gets unwieldy to deal with them via the windows taskbar, or clicking all the windows. (For fun, I did crash things with trying to open 50 at a time).