Just wanted to ask if there is a quick way to add the current item in grid view to a certain other grid (without using the mouse / using the same sequence of keys to be sent each time)? I tried going through the properties pane but couldn't figure out a reliable way to get to the target grid name in the "All Fields" section each time. I want to use this method in an Autohotkey script so the key codes needed to accomplish this would have to be repeatable regardless of the current status of / focus position in the properties pane.
I'm probably being daft and there is a much easier way...
Any help would be much appreciated!
Send +{F4} ; focus on properties pane
Sleep 50
Send ^{End}{Left}o{Down}{Right}{Space} ; navigate to 'Pending' field under 'All fields' and check it
If(isnull(firstString) Or isnull(secondString) ) Then
IsInStr = False
Dim inStrValue
inStrValue = InStr(LCase(firstString), LCase(secondString)) > 0
IsInStr = inStrValue
End If
End Function