I'd appreciate help.
I already realized that IQ can "auto-assign field list" (grid properties), and I had success handling a simple yes/no field.
Nonetheless, my real scenario is more complex, and as a new IQ user I'm not so sure how to go ahead, and even if the answer for thread question "How to set IQ to fill AUTOMATICALLY FileName/FilePath for new items added into certain grid?" would be the best workflow to handle my need.
Let me clarify my scenario in details through this screencast (http://bit.ly/30HH8dG), and more briefly as follows:
1) I created a grid having as source the yes/no field "statistics". I'm creating content about the topic.
2) Along with my thoughts, I'm inserting content from different authors, who need to be referenced.
3) I added the source file (overall PDFs) as grid items, then I thought FileName/FilePath are the fields I need as references for the authors' content added into IQ.
4) I will spend some time with a particular author, reading and inserting items into that IQ grid (statistics). These items will be spread through different places. The authors' content won't be added as children of the main item file mentioned above in (3). In other words, I can't rely on references based on the parent item. Because of that, I started using FileName/FilePath.
5) For each new item from author content, I'm copying and pasting those fields manually from the main file, into the new added content. However, this manual work is nonsense — a workaround I've found so far. By the way, I created another grid that sorts the items by modified date, so it is easier to see the items I need to paste the content. I'm pasting into several items at once. But achieving complete automation is what I'm looking for.
6) After finishing the reading of a paper, I will start over with another author. So the FileName/FilePath isn't constant. Actually, it will change very often. So I couldn't have permanent criteria in the grid to auto-fill FileName/FilePath. The solution would need to take into account the temporary nature of the auto-fill FileName/FilePath.
In the end, I hope to find a workflow in IQ that allows me to track/attach references to the items, but without losing time with infinite copy/paste procedure. Instead, I would appreciate spending more time focusing on the content itself.
Here there is an additional screencast (http://bit.ly/30KJo3Y) showing an ideal procedure for attaching the source/reference to the created items, however, through a limited outline workflow. While I had all my items connected with the references automatically, I got stuck on organizing the knowledge itself. InfoQube has appeared and is my bet to handle information with freedom and possibilites!
Thank you very much!