Submitted by Tom on 2019/05/24 08:25
(Thought I'd start a calendar issues/bugs thread so as the announce version thread doesn't get swamped.)
1) Calendar highlighted with incorrect colour:
I (re)connected to my google account and had two calendars successfully displayed -- they used the correct colours.
My work calendar did not have a full sync (sry not sure which option it had: think is was either 'view/fulevents' or G=>!Q), so I changed it to full sync and gave it a new date field. When it displayed again, it was the same colour as my other displayed calendar (blue).
=> is there any way I can force it to revert to the colour chosen in my google calendar? [see below]
Manual syncing works fine (haven't tried auto yet),
2) Sync / refresh interface:
in the calendar sync properties dialogue, there is a [?] button top-right -- I presumed this was help, but it opens a dialogue where the only options are:
  • full sync
  • sync of new events
I am unable to close the dialogue i.e. I must select one of these options. [FiXED in 0.9.113a]
2.1) seems to me this dialoge should show when I click the refresh button beside the calendar name
2.2) and that I should be able to eascape the dialogue via [x] and escape key


Hi Tom,
Excellent idea this thread,
If assigned to a field, the calendar color will be that of the field, we'll see how to improve this in the future
Changes made to Google calendars are not automatically synced right now, to sync, press the refresh icon on the main Google sync dialogue
Pierre_Admin (in France)
IQ Designer

Pierre in France: enjoy France, no need to reply to any of these here :-)
3) drag n drop items within calendar:
3.1) month view: drag n drop only works for me if I drag the entry first towards the right -- only then am I able to move it where I want.
3.2) month view: I moved the entry 'Dirk' and the text changed from white to black:
EDIT// reopening calender fixed 3.2 text colour reverted to white

There seems to be an issue with the day of the week not being displayed in the calendar in front of the date. It's quite erratic for me. Sometimes it would be shown in the month view but not in other views, then it's still shown in the vertical scroll view but not in the others. Please let me know if you need me to debug more specifically.
Also, Pierre, would it be possible to add an option to set an alternative background colour for the 'weekend' days in the calendar? Thanks!


2019/06/06 07:27

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

I'm also experiencing issues with the toolbar buttons not doing anything when using the calendar as a detached tab. I get stuck in month view and can't get out or change the date through the buttons.


2019/06/06 08:06

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

I can bring back day of the week display in the calendar, by selecting 8+ days by drag and drop on the mini-calendar (in the new UI). When I click one of the buttons (like 7), they disappear again.

EDIT// [Resolved in 113e]
Bug re mini-calendar and different displays (day / month):
# If I click on the one day view, it always jumps back to May 16th 2019 --
select a different date in the min-calendar -- it displays correctly, but click again on the [1] for one-day view, or click on month view and again on day view:
it jumps back to May 16.
EDIT// on restarting IQ it keeps jumping to June 13th -- not a date I had selected AFAIK. It seems to choose a date and hold that for the current session.
[Resolved in 113e]

EDITED 2019-07-24
With apologies if these are known:
1) deleting an item from the calendar not working here with options
  1. (remove from calendar) -- no difference
  2. (remove item/delete assoc-date filed) -- still in calendar, but date field entry is deleted
Re-opening calendar makes no difference.
Option #3: delete item works as expected.
[Resolved in 113e]
2) if in google calendar I delete one entry from a recurring entry (e.g. just today's entry is deleted -- the recurring event continues normally otherwise):
this is not reflected in IQ after sync.
Will try this again when full sync working -- (should full sync be working now?)
[Still a problem in 113e]

EDITED 2019-07-24
I'm possibly trying to do things that aren't supported yet:
1.) Copy/Paste bug:
copy and paste an entry results in the entry being moved.
Paste only works via context menu.
Edited for clarity: refresh shows the copied item in both locations (it has the same Item ID in PP). This change is not reflected in google calendar on other devices.
[Still a problem in 113e]
2.) drag n drop (bug or limitation)
when in month view, dragging an item to another day results in it being an all-day event -- I would prefer/expect it to keep the same start/end time (but can see arguments against that). This change does not appear to be synced to google calendar -- a manual sync shows no changes in the google calendar.
[Still a problem in 113e]

I've updated some of these issues for 113a.
Look out for  " [Still a problem in 113a] "