This is a FWIW organization tip based on more than a few years of experience. It was prompted by a current thread about assigning creation dates to items, which InfoQube does automatically.
This is a feature that seems simple but is very useful. It's just one of the many reasons it pays to migrate from Ecco Pro to InfoQube. You can auto-assign dates in Ecco Pro but doing so will eventually cause problems with its resource limitations.
I'd suggest expanding auto date assignment to everything you do. If you create a list, write a memo, draw a sketch,...put the date at the top. When you later are revisiting your work and trying to figure out what's what, having the created date available is very helpful in figuring out how it fits into the scheme of things (eg is this the latest sketch of my design, or an obsolete one?).
I read this suggestion many years ago and have applied it since then and have found it to be one of the best small changes I ever made to how I work.