Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/10/28 15:29
(1)  Double-quotes aren't imported from Ecco item text to the Infoqube Item field.  For example, the Ecco line "Each "headline", together with its associated "category assignments," is like a "record" in the database" - all the double quotes were lost in Infoqube.
(2) I imported some lines discussing HTML tags <IMG> and <A> tags.  In Infoqube, these don't display as plain text as they do in Ecco.  Infoqube imports them literally and then displays them according to its rules for displaying HTML text.  
These might prove to be issues for some folks migrating from Ecco, or for long-time Infoqube users like me who occasionally need to import an old Ecco file.


 A Search and Replace capability would provide a good workaround for this import problem.  In Ecco, I could replace the problem characters with something else, then import the Ecco file into Infoqube.  Then in Infoqube I could use search and replace to restore the original characters or some suitable replacement that will work in Infoqube.  I'm specifically thinking about the double-quote character that doesn't show up properly in Infoqube, that's one I use all the time.


2019/10/31 12:06

In reply to by jimspoon

Great idea, thanks. Unfortunately, mostly too late in my case.