Submitted by Tom on 2019/10/29 16:04
1.) Tags same-name warning seems to ignore symbols
I have four tags indicating page size:
  1. >A4
  2. A4
  3. A3
  4. A3+
Numbers 2, 3, and 4 have the warning exclamation mark indicating that tags have the same name.
 EDIT// unable to reproduce this in Sample file -- changed to a field with pop-up list anyways, more suitable.
(Bug below still relevant!)


2.) Exporting Tags from the grid (ItemTags field) to html:
there is a suffix (10:8) added to each tag e.g. AnyTag becomes AnyTag10:8
Checked this in Sample file.
Export settings:


2019/11/03 12:59

In reply to by Tom

this bug stand and is really messes up tag export per html