Submitted by Hilary on 2019/11/10 17:19
I'd like to use a bigger font in the outlines, but enlarging the font doesn't change the height of the row - so I end up with just the top half of text in view. Any way to change the row height, or get it to auto-adjust to font size?


1. Tools > Options > Grids > Grids Font Size
Whatever font size you set there is the default for all grids and the row height will match to accommodate what you select there. I just tested it and set it to a huge font size of 24 and no text gets cut off.

2. Tools > Manage Grids > Options > Default Font
There you can even set font on a grid by grid basis to override the default setting.

3. You can also right click on the item header and select "Wordwrap". But of course that will also cause some rows to have multiple lines of text, which you may or may not want.
As an aside, IQ also has the amazing ability to auto-format outlines (Grids > Outline Styles). So for instance first level can be bold blue 14, second select can be bold black 12, third level can be regular back. And you can set up as many outline styles as you like, and have them applied automatically as you create them, or apply them to an entire grid with the click of a mouse key.
You can also have text color as well as row color change based on conditions. An open task could be red, a completed task could be green. The possibilities are endless.

Hi Hilary,
As David pointed out, there are lots ways to change the font size. In addition, you can act on the whole grid using:
  • View Zoom In/Out
  • Ctrl+Mouse wheel
  • Zoom gesture on a precision touchpad
On an item by item basis, you can set item font size. But this can cut-off the text, so it is best to use in moderation
IQ Designer