Submitted by Tom on 2008/11/26 07:28
I want to create a sort of a motivational grid/table
Idea was, say, 5 groups of 5 "tasks or things I could do each day"
I would then try to complete/do two items from each group each day - reward would be ticking them off and maybe having conditional formatting so I got to colour in done fields (what more could I ask!)
Challenges would be
1) grouping the items:
a)  - maybe the easiest way would be to have a category field and sort by that?
EDIT/ of course I can do 5 parents (sometimes I forget the obvious)
b) Pierre:- I start to see that your offer to Jim to have category "words" grid specific would be helpful - should I add it to Mantis?
2) "making" a month view:-
a) I could make tick-box fields numbered "1" to "31"  for the month and start afresh each month - or is there an easier way to do a month?
b) I'm not really using the calander yet so dont know could this be combined somehow?
c) would there be an easy way to clear all ticked fields at the end of the month?


Hi Tom,
I'd need to know what is constant, what changes each day. Groups are constant? Tasks are constant or change each day? Are tasks done more than once in a month?
Can you explain in more details what is you want in the month view? Why not use a date field?
p.s. yes, you can add this to Mantis.


2008/11/26 11:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

the 5 groups of 5 would be constant - they are the items in the grid
They way I visualised it was like a simple table - for each day, I could tick any of these items
So, I was thinking one column for each day - (probably better than trying to show a whole month!) and start afresh each week
WORKMonTuesWedThur Fri SatSun
   X     X    X  
 Accounts     X     
 Planning   X      X   
 etc      X    X  
Yeah, if I just do a week it's easier all round - also re clearing the "ticks" - I can just select all those fields & delete
Idea is to give me incentive/help to do non-essential things (or things that arent getting done as often as I'd like) in work and in private life
Also I'll get a quick overview/review of what has been done this week
I'll do it that way unless anyone shouts with a brilliant alternative !


2008/11/26 12:03

In reply to by Tom

You seem to have found the best solution for you. And it is beautifully simple.
If you want to keep historical records, you could, once a week, copy this content and paste it into the HTML of another item, called Historical Records (or whatever). The HTML pane will not (yet) convert the pasted content to a table, but other MSWord will, so you can use that editor for the HTML pane content.


2008/11/27 01:08

In reply to by Tom

The only thing I could add is to ask that the week's view be a rolling week. IOW, on Monday the first day is Monday. On Tuesday, first day is Tuesday, etc. That way you can always see a week ahead. Otherwise you will see a whole week ahead on Sunday or Monday, but only a day ahead on Saturday or Sunday. Depending on what day starts your week; personally I prefer Monday as the first day of the week.