Submitted by David_H on 2019/11/28 01:52
 The Item Editor is great for focusing on an item. Would it be possible that when an item is opened there would be a pane that would show all associated fields and tags?
If that is very time consuming, then a very workable option that I expect would be easy to implement would be to make the check mark column on the fields pane and tags pane sortable, so the user could quickly sort all associated fields and associated tags up to the top of the their respective panes.


Hi David,
Don't you already have this information ? In the following:
  1. Options pane below the rich text editor
  2. Built-in tags and fields panes
  3. Sync checkbox to show the item (and all its values) in the Properties pane
IQ Designer


2019/11/29 00:57

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

1. This would be perfect if it also showed fields and their values, rather than only the folders the item is in.
2. No for a variety of reasons. Right now I have to scroll through 100+ to see which ones are used, and even then I would only see the field, but not the field value. Furthermore the fields pane does not seem to work. The ONLY thing it shows for me is the field for the grid I opened the item from.
Right now for example i am looking at an item that has HTML content. ItemHasHTML does Not have a checkbox in the item editor field pane, even though it should. However ItemHasHTML does have a value in the regular properties pane, just as it should. This I suspect is a bug.
The pane here also only shows yes/no field, so that is another limitation.
3. This works but somewhat defeats the idea of the item editor, which is to be able to focus on one item, or perhaps doc it on a second monitor. If I have to look back and forth between the item editor and the property pane, I might as well not even open the item in the first place. To explain, I run a large monitor, so it's very easy for me to view properties pane, HTML pane and grid at the same time. So for me I was interested in using the item editor to just focus on one item (mainly to work in the HTML pane or assign values and tags).

For someone that does not have a large monitor, I imagine the item editor would be used to see the HTML pane without having to dock it.
Lastly, my interest in this is I often find myself going over to the properties pane and expanding various sections to see all of an items values. It would be nice if they could all just be instantly see on the item editor. One birds eye view of everything.
All that said, I would rate this very low priority on the feature list :D. Google task integration and such is 100x as important :D.


2019/11/29 11:18

In reply to by David_H

Hi David,
  1. Design choices are difficult. Having the complete Properties pane would make opening the Item Editor longer and more resource hungry
  2. The ones used are shown at the top of the pane and in the options pane. The pane shows all non read-only fields
  3. As long as there is a way to do it, less common operations can use other UIs. 
re Properties pane: The Values section shows all item values in a single section. No need to search through hundreds of fields to see which are been assigned
IQ Designer


2019/11/29 17:14

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi David,
Design choices are difficult. Having the complete Properties pane would make opening the Item Editor longer and more resource hungry[/quote]
[quote]The ones used are shown at the top of the pane and in the options pane.[/quote]
I assume we are talking about the properties pane here, otherwise I don't follow this part. As far as "options" pane, I don't know what you are referring to.
[quote]The pane shows all non read-only fields[/quote]
I assume we are now talking about the Item Editor folder pane here. If so I assume you mean all non read-only yes/no fields.
[quote]As long as there is a way to do it, less common operations can use other UIs.[/quote]
Well that is the crux of the issue. For me wanting to see all the values associated with an Item is a very common operation, so if I open an item I want that front and center. You could always run a poll and find out how common an operation it is for people to want to see associated values :-).
[quote]Properties pane: The Values section shows all item values in a single section. No need to search through hundreds of fields to see which are been assigned[/quote]
And depending on the user the Tags section, Parent section etc. Attached is a screenshot of how I currently use IQ. Of course I am aware of the countless ways it can be set up, this is currently what works the best for me. Perhaps this shows why the properties pane would be useful for me in the item editor. Or perhaps not :-).

Anyhow, I am just (re)presenting my view on why I have this preference :-). Right now it takes almost exactly 2 seconds to open the item editor on my laptop so I understand the decision to limit what is shown if it would make that a lot slower.


2019/11/29 20:11

In reply to by David_H

Right now it takes almost exactly 2 seconds to open the item editor on my laptop so I understand the decision to limit what is shown if it would make that a lot slower.
Yeah, I know that I need to improve the load time. I have a few avenues to test out and will do it sooner than later
In the meantime, you can improve the load time by deleting the MenuHTML.dat file in your user folder
IQ Designer

Pierre, looking at this a little more closely, the Item Editor tags pane is identical to the main IQ tags pane.
Yet the other pane in the Item Editor is just a folder pane, of which I don't see the value. Why not make the other pane identical to the main IQ Properties Pane, just like you did with the tags pane?
That way when a user opens an item they can see everything related to it, and still accomplish anything they could with the folder pane. And that request I don't feel guilty about since it should be easy to implement :-).