Submitted by WayneK on 2020/04/27 14:13
Renewed request for a format painter:
1) Item #1 has bold, blue, italicized text, yellow fill
2) Item #2 has plain text
3) Activate format painter
4) Click on #1, click on #2
5) Item #2 now has bold, blue, italicized text, yellow fill
I use formatting extensively for tracking status of items (importance, work completed etc).  Would be a big time saver of tedious work not having to constantly go back to the toolbar to select individual format options. 


Of course, you can get something similar with conditional formatting but it obviously takes more set up and planning to implement (eg only works if the correct formatting columns have been assigned to the grid).
So that's a viable option but not as good as a quick "make-this-look-like-that" option you can use anywhere on the fly.  Also not user-friendly for people starting out with InfoQube and are used to having this option in other programs (eg Excel).
Edit: Case in point = every time I create a new formatting rule, I have to go back and load the field 20+ times in my active grids.


2020/05/01 08:22

In reply to by WayneK

You're very, very likely aware of Outline Styles and it's not what you want because the formatting is tied directly to the outline hierarchy, right?
I do some format painting with Autohotkey. Here is an example that applies text color = some kind of blue + style = bold when pressing Alt-F10 while my main IQ window is in the foreground:
        if (WinActive("IQ - "))
            Send ^b!it{Up 6}{Left 2}{Enter}
If format painting or non-hierarchical item style shortcuts will not be implemented, it works for me but has some prerequisites, of course.


2020/05/01 09:37

In reply to by WayneK

Thanks, LeftEccoForIQ
I'm aware of Outline Styles but have never used them.  I don't really want to format by level.
I'll think about Autohotkey but frankly it''s unlikely I'll take on trying to learn a new program just for this.  I'm fairly satisfied with the conditional formatting solution.