Hello everyone,
I've been looking at importing data via CSV files, for my use case of creating a personal CRM. I want to import data from various old sources into my database. To start, I have an excel file containing names, email addresses, etc. The first time I import this list, each item gets created and assigned an Item ID. So far so good. Now I want to import additional data to these items, and that's where I'm getting stuck.
If I have a second list containing other or updated information related to the same names, I want to be able to assign them to the right Item IDs. I can get the right Item IDs by exporting the InfoQube grid, so I know which ID matches which name, and get the information properly lined up inside excel and the CSV file. However, the import CSV function will not allow me to add/update existing information having IDItem as one of the import fields.
I also tried to copy-paste the data from the column in excel (paste into selected cells) into a selected column grid, but it tries to paste the data into the IDitem field, which fails, obviously.
I am effectively trying to do an INSERT INTO command via the InfoQube GUI into its data tables. But InfoQube isn't a relational database, as I am learning, so I keep going about it in the wrong way. What is the right way to bulk import data related to existing items?
Thank you!