Submitted by assari on 2020/05/12 00:29
Hi Everyone, my first post to the forum :) I have been using Infoqube since Nov of 2019. It is an excellent product and I now use it daily as the central piece of my PIM.
What I miss most however is the ability to view my PIM on my phone. As I am a long time user of Evernote I think a way to easily export data from Infoqube to Evernote would be great.
Over the past few weeks, I have been struggling to write a python script to import Infoqube data into Evernote via th enex format
After several attempts to convert IQ XML to Evernote enex format, I have finally settled on a kludgy workflow of exporting to evernote via the evernote script (ENScript.exe) which accepts a txt file.
So now I can get selected IQ fields including tags and attachments into evernote but I think it would be great if Pierre could program this whole process as one of the export option.
I've passed my code and workflow to Pierre via email. Hopefully he can implement the export as a native Infoqube option.


Hi Assari,


I'm also an Evernote user who has found difficult to establish a workflow InfoQube <> Evernote.


So, your script is great news!


Could you please inform regarding:


a) Is your script capable of exporting from IQ to Evernote also including notes with images/screenshots?

When I manually copy from IQ and paste into Evernote the image is not included, being replaced by a broken icon.


b) Have you found out any way to import an .ENEX file from Evernote into InfoQube also including the images?

By using the default IQ importer "File>Import from>Evernote" all images/screenshots are removed from the original Evernote note. So, currently it is possible to import only text from an .ENEX file.


Thank you,



2020/05/20 03:07

In reply to by carloscadu

 Hi Carlos,
My script is very rudimentary and was written to fit my usecase and my technical limitations in terms of my python skills, my understanding of the IQ XML format as well as the requirement of Evernote vis-a-vis imports.
As mentioned, I had to forgo the enex route as evernote is very picky in terms of what can be imported and import fails without knowing why. So I opted instead to import into evernote using the ENScript route which allows for the import of text file only but can include attachments.
The import command generated and executed by my script looks like this:-
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\enscript.exe" createNote /s 2evernote001.txt /i "This to transfer to evernote including image" /n FromIQ /t 00000-FromIQ /a "C:\Users\assar\Dropbox\assari\Data\InfoQube\pkm2019.SNDB.Files\ItemID4925_files\ItemID4925.jpg"
createNote is the initiating command for EnScript.exe
/s is the text file generated by my script from the Infoqube XML
/i is the item field from IQ which becomes the Title in Evernote
/n is the notebook the import will be imported into
/t will be a series of tags (if available)
/a will be a series of attachments (if available)
Images within the Doc Pane of IQ will be imported into Evernote.
Basically the contents of the Doc Pane will be divided into two parts, the text part and the images. All formatting and positioning will be lost. It's no longer pretty but at least I get searchable data available on my mobile devices.
As for imports from Evernote to IQ, I haven't touched that at all. We need to vote for Evernote sync to move higher up Pierre's priority list :)


2020/05/20 14:24

In reply to by assari

As for imports from Evernote to IQ, I haven't touched that at all. We need to vote for Evernote sync to move higher up Pierre's priority list :)
Hi Assari,
Many thanks for the feedback.
Hi Pierre,
Could you please inform if improving InfoQube functionality regarding Evernote's import/export is on your roadmap?