Submitted by carloscadu on 2020/05/29 08:54
I'm using IQ v0.9.115e, although this issue has happened since several versions ago. 
For the grids converted to panes, they will stop working, becoming inactivate (snapshot below).
The problem can happen during a regular IQ session at some point, eventually after days of use.
But when you load a saved layout, the problem occurs very often. Almost after every layout loading.
I recorded my screen detailing the issue:
If you need further information, please let me know.
Thank you,


Hi Carlos,
I was not able to view the screencast nor reproduce the issue
IQ Designer


2020/05/30 06:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre,
Perhaps the same underlying cause as with my calendar items disappearing in 'pane mode' and reappearing when I click in the calendar interface or click a calendar button?


2020/05/31 09:45

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre,
I updated the link to the screencast in the original thread. It also follows here:
I can remember this issue happening since I started using IQ 1 year ago.
Because of that I haven't used IQ layout functionality. But now that I discovered several possibilities to explore data visualization in IQ, I started needing to use layout.
But clarifying, although the "grids converted to panes stopping to work" happens after restoring layout almost every time, it does happen too during regular sessions.
During regular sessions, I couldn't identify a pattern that triggers the problem.
But at some point one of those grids converted to panes will stop to work indeed.
The difference between panes stopping to work (a) after restoring layout and (b) during regular sessions is that for (a) all panes will stop to work at once, and for (b) just a single pane may stop to work.
During a regular session, the converted pane "live-search" is the one that tends to stop working more often. The problem happens less often with the regular grids converted to panes.
If you need further information, please let me know.
Thank you,

I have gotten this infrequently in the past, but haven't seen it recently. I'll keep an eye out
Hey Carlos, I'm enjoying seeing some of your fancy layouts shown in  your screencasts, and I was wondering what you use to make your screencasts?


2020/06/01 11:22

In reply to by KeithB

 Hi KeithB,
For the screencast I generally use ShareX (
I just posted a thread about its usage for annotating images:
However, ShareX can record just one sound input (e.g. it will not record a Skype conversation). Actually, screencast is a secondary functionality of ShareX.
So when I need to record more sound inputs and have more control over screencast settings, I use OBS Studio (
Both ShareX and OBS are free, and in my setup they are always running in the background simultaneously, waiting for the right call.

Hi Carlos,
Is this fixed in v115f ?
IQ Designer


2020/06/12 09:05

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre,
The problem is there in v115g.
I recorded my screen detailing the issue further:
Sorry, but going to the end of the recording my audio will stop working, becoming mute.
At that point, I was commenting that once the pane gets inactive, you can't use the "reopen as tab" anymore. It didn't work.
I also realized that the likelihood of the problem increases for single panes. If there are more panes grouped, the problem happens too, but less often. 
You will see that I'm forcing the problem to occur by "loading layouts", but it can happen at any time just by using IQ normally, in which case the problem happens too, but less often than loading layouts. 
If you need further info, let me know.


2020/06/12 13:26

In reply to by carloscadu

Hi Carlos,
I was able to reproduce it when loading layouts. It is fixed in v115h
IQ Designer


2020/06/15 08:09

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Hi Pierre,
Thanks for the fix!
The grids converted to panes are not becoming inactive anymore after restoring layouts.
Only once the "Live Search" docked as a pane became inactive.
May this unique situation have happened because I restored old layouts, which were saved before the fix?
Anyway, I will keep my eyes on it and report in case of the problem appears again.