Submitted by Alp on 2020/05/29 11:44


I'd like to assign specific tags to items with a pop-up list field depending on the values in that particular field using auto-assignment rules. That way, I'd like to reap benefits of both pop-up list field as well as assigned tags.

Let's say 'City' field has three alternative values through a pop-up list: CityA, CityB, and CityC to which I'd like to assign tags #CityA, #CityB, and #CityC, respectively. Albeit rarely, I will need to modify City field value of items so that I will need all three flags, A:, M:, and E:, for my auto-assignment rule.

I tried to adapt "HasKeyword" function for this purpose, but couldn't get it to work. Any help will be appreciated.



Hi Alp,
Indeed, the initial auto-assign support for tags was limited to simple =0 or =-1
In v115g, expressions are now supported:
  • New: Fields: Auto-assign rules now support equations when assigning tags
You'll then be able to enter rules such as:
AME: #CityA=[City]="CityA"
IQ Designer