Submitted by David_H on 2020/07/02 13:31
 I used to be able to drag a photo to the doc pane if I wanted the photo stored inside the IQ folder instead of creating a link to it. Now this no longer works. Pierre?


Hi David,
I don't recall this ever working. Do you have an idea which version had this feature  ?
I'm actually working on a dialog to allow drag-drop of local file and image URL. Should be online in the coming days
IQ Designer


2020/07/02 21:35

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

It's possible that I am not remembering correctly. I could be remembering the thread below from 2016 where you explained when HTML gets stored in the database.

However in addition to remembering doing it, I definitely have photos sitting in the root of the main SNDB.Files folder and it would be extremely unusal of me to put anything in a root folder like that.


2020/07/02 21:40

In reply to by David_H

For the doc pane, I was never able to get drag-drop to work for images. Copy paste does work just fine though
As to why there are some images in the .Files root folder, that was perhaps the way it was done a long time ago.
You can search for the file names and see the items referencing these images and decide if you want to do some clean up
IQ Designer

Hi David,
In v116Pre2:
  • New: Doc pane / Item editor: Insert Image now shows a dialog that support drag-drop for files, web images and multi-select
IQ Designer