One thing that I'd find extremely useful but that doesn't seem to be possible out of the box is to quickly filter for items that have recurring events in the calendar. I often have to update my recurring events based on new experiences from the last occurrence and then sort of struggle to find the events quickly if they are on yearly or multi-yearly repeat and I'm not sure of the date.
<source>SELECT DISTINCT [ItemIsRepeating] AS [Value], -1 AS ItemIsRepeating, ItemID FROM Event WHERE (((recurrence)<>"") AND (ItemID)<>0));</source>[edit] Correct SQL is:
<source>SELECT DISTINCT [ItemIsRepeating] AS [Value], -1 AS [ItemIsRepeating], [ItemID] FROM Event WHERE ((recurrence<>"") AND (ItemID<>0));</source>
If you want to include events not linked to items, you can remove the part about ItemID<>0- When trying to create a new grid with ItemIsRepeating as the source: 'Error opening grid. Check grid source criteria.'
- I also once got a popup saying something about a 'syntax error in source'.