Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2020/11/24 16:57
I think I posted about this before but can't find the post now.
When pasting this:
#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

NoP = %0%
If (NoP > 0) {
    Loop, %NoP% {
        Par := %A_Index%
        String := String . Par . ", "
    StringTrimRight, String, String, 2
    FileAppend, %String%`nRun`, CmdLine.ahk`nExitApp, Tmp.ahk
    Run Tmp.ahk
} Else
    FileDelete, Tmp.ahk

Executes one line of code from the command line.
you would execute it like this:

CmdLine.ahk msgbox "hello world"

CmdLine.ahk drive eject

CmdLine.ahk send "Cmdline.ahk send hi"
into the grid (without editing a cell), IQ doesn't ask whether I want to paste into a single cell / item (which it does in other cases with multiline text - based on what criteria?). It then pastes the text in several items (some with children) in reverse order.
If I first enter edit mode in a blank item, IQ pastes one 'good' item that contains the text in a single cell (what I wanted to achieve) but additionally it does the 'multi-item in reverse order' paste described above for when not in edit mode.
It would be great to have a reliable way to tell IQ to paste into a single item plus the unwanted extra items for the second approach (paste while editing) should be eliminated.


Hi Left!
It works fine in the new version (v116k).
Can you provide the details (clipboard format used, column editor (WYSIWYG or not) ?
IQ Designer


2020/11/25 15:57

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hi Pierre!
You're right, it does work correctly when I copy it from the post above on this site.
However, if you copy the code or the entire post (or probably pretty much anything on that page) from here, it misbehaves as described when pasted as plain text.
Actually, it works fine when I paste as unicode text. Paste as HTML results in loss of formatting but with tags.


2020/11/27 14:40

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

OK got it. IQ was interpreting this content as a tab indented outline and creating items
Fixed in v116l
IQ Designer


2020/11/28 11:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Great news. Thanks!! And confirmed fixed.