Windows 10
InfoQube Ver 0.9.11 PRE1 12/24/2020
Thanks to the patience of Pierre I have converted from Ecco Pro (23 year user) to InfoQube. He answered all my start up questions.
Here are some 2 newbie questions that I hope you can help me with.
1. Can i set the 'text fore color' to default to something else rather than none. Also can I setup several different fore colors (Red - Grey etc) and the icons for them on my tool bar for one touch (click) activation.
2. Can I have the cursor (highlight) stretch across the entire Item and the colums so I can orient myself when editing a column value. As you know Ecco places a box around the entire row.
I've read the user manual and serched but possibly I'm not looking under the right section because I'm not familiar with InfoQube nomenclature.