Submitted by KeithB on 2021/02/21 12:55
Does the jet 4.0 database have a 2GB limit like access does, and what exactly how would the limit pertain to infoqube?
I have my main file KAB1.SNDB now at 243MB (compacted), and the KAB1.SNDB.Files showing at 1GB.
I'm hoping any limits would only pertain to the SNDB file itself, but I wanted to make sure.
From any stress testing, do you know or have an idea what would happen to IQ when it reaches the database limit?


Hi Keith,
Yes, JET/ACE database still has the 2GB file size limit. This is the maximum file size of the actual SNDB file, excluding the .Files folder of course. Using a different database engine is definitely not an issue and could be implemented easily.
That said, in most cases that content is mostly text and IQ provides the means to identify the large items which could be removed.
Also, at one point, the default was to include a copy of the HTML/MHT files in the database (option 2.4.11), in case the file was not available. It is now off by default. Perhaps your file had/has this turned on and a significant space could be recuperated. To do so, uncheck the setting and do a database repair.
As to stress test, Armando is the de-facto stress "engineer" and when something comes up, we work together to improve/fix file size related issues (e.g. on some versions of Windows, the optional ACE engine performs better than JET for complex queries)
IQ Designer